Frequently asked questions

How do I login to myOswego ?
How do I order a transcript ?
Holds? What holds ?
How do I get a certified transcript (Apostille) ?
How do I get a certified copy of my diploma (Apostille) ?
How do I add/drop/change my Major and/or minor ?
How do I get proof of my enrollment ?
What is Proxy Access / How can I share information from myOswego ?
Where is my transfer credit ?
Why do you need my SSN ?
How do I update my SSN ?
How do I update my Address? Why bother ?
My legal name has changed - How do I update my records ?
I've missed some semesters and want to re-enroll at Oswego - what do I need to do ?
How do I submit a question or complaint ?



Degree audit (Degree Works)




Why do you need my SSN?

Generally speaking, the Registrar's Office has no need for this information other than for verifying who you are. However, having an incorrect or no SSN on file will prevent you, lenders and potential employers from being able to get online Enrollment and Degree verifications. It can also prevent issuance of tax information.

How do I update my SSN?

Bring your Social Security Card and a photo ID to the Registrar's Office (301 Culkin Hall) and fill out a SSN Change Form. Please email to make arrangements for dropping off the form.

How do I update my address?

Student addresses can be viewed and updated on the Personal Information tab in myOswego . Lack of a home address will prevent you, lenders and potential employers from being able to get online Enrollment and Degree verifications. Paper copies of important notifications, such as academic actions, are also mailed to home addresses.

  • Incoming students should contact the Office of Admissions (315.312.2250) to update their address. 
  • Faculty and staff should contact Human Resources (315.312.2215) to update their address. 
  • Alumni should make address changes from OsweGoConnect or by contacting the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations (315.312.2258).

My legal name has changed - how do I update my records?

Bring the appropriate required documentation to the Registrar's Office, 301 Culkin Hall, and complete a Name Change Form.  Please email to make arrangements for dropping off the form.

Required documentation
U.S. citizens and permanent residents:

  1. Marriage license, divorce decree or court order AND 
  2. an updated Social Security Card reflecting the new legal name

International Students who are not permanent residents:

  1. Passport AND 
  2. other official ID or documentation (e.g. marriage license) reflecting the new legal name

When can I register?

In myOswego, on the Registration Tab there is a link "Check Your Registration Status" which will provide this information. General registration period information is also available here.

What's an Alternate ("second") PIN?

An alternate (Second) PIN is required for certain groups of students in order to register. You can tell if you need an Alternate PIN to register by looking in myOswego on the Registration Tab and clicking the "Check Your Registration Status" link. A message of "You have an alternate PIN required for registration" will appear. See your Primary Advisor (also listed on the "Check Your Registration Status" page) to get the PIN. Note: PINs are case-sensitive.

Alternate PINS are required for:
First semester freshmen,
First semester juniors (students with 56-71 completed hours),
First semester transfer students, and
EOP students.

Deadlines for adding, dropping, withdrawing

General full-semester deadline dates are available here, and the College Calendar includes deadlines for all smaller parts of term (quarter courses).

Difference between a drop and a course withdrawal?

Courses can be dropped during the drop period (typically the first three weeks of fall/spring classes - see Registration Dates ) without showing on a transcript.  Course withdrawals happen after the drop period (see Registration Dates ).  The course will show on your transcript with a 'W' grade. See  " Course Drop versus Course Withdrawal " for semester-specific information.

Dropping all courses 

Fall and Spring terms
If semester classes have begun, Matriculated (degree-seeking) Continuing Undergraduates need to contact the Dean of Students (315.312-5483) to make appropriate arrangements for a College Withdrawal. Withdrawal after the drop period (identified on the College Calendar) will show on your transcript with a 'W' grade.

If you are registered and the semester has not started yet, continuing students can follow instructions found here. New Matriculated First-time students should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office (315.312.2250).

Graduate students and non-degree Undergraduates can use the course drop/withdrawal process to drop all of their courses.

Winter and Summer terms
All students have the ability to drop their last course online through the drop period. During summer drop periods vary depending on the length of the class, but typically run through the first day of class. During Winter the last day to drop is the day before the session begins. When a course is dropped no grades show on your transcript.

When can I see my grades?

Fall, Winter and Spring Semester grades are posted (made available for viewing in myOswego) all at once. Even if your Instructor says all grades are in, they get posted at the same time as all others. The Registrar's Office will advertise the posting date on the main page of our website. Summer grades are posted at the end of each Summer term.

What's a 'Z' grade?

A grade of 'Z' indicates that the instructor did not submit a grade before the grading deadline. They will need to submit an update.

Will I get a mailed grade report?

SUNY Oswego does not print grade reports. Students access term grades using the View Grades link or the Academic Transcript link on the Student Profile (Student Records tab) in myOswego .

Where can I see my Degree Works audit?

Access Degree Works from your Student Profile on the Student Records tab of myOswego, .

Do I need to run a new audit?

No. Student information in Degree Works is refreshed overnight, every night. "Audit date" reflects the last time any new data (majors, grades, registration, advisors, etc.) were loaded. If updated data were loaded since the last time you looked at Degree Works, a fresh audit will automatically run and "Audit date" will show today's date.

Where are my electives / learning agreement?

Learning Agreements and Electives taken under advisement will show when the information has been forwarded to the Registrar's Office by your Advisor. Please make these arrangements as early as possible to avoid graduation delays.

Why do I see a completed requirement with "< 4 credit equiv"?

This shows when a transfer equivalent course less than 4 credits slots on a 4 credit hour requirement. It's important to note, as it may require additional credits to meet the overall credit hour requirements of the major/minor.

Why do I see "Still Needed: 0-1 credits"?

Some requirements have a range of credits, like 3:4. If a 3 credit course fulfills the requirement, you may see this remainder advice but the Green Checkmark indicates that the requirement is fulfilled.

Why don't the "credits applied" equal what I see on my transcript?

Not all credits you accumulate on a transcript count toward degree completion. For instance, MAX courses do not apply. Also, BA degrees have a limit of 54 hours allowed within the major discipline. Additional coursework will continue to accumulate on the transcript, but will go to "Not Counted" on the degree audit.

What is the "Not Counted (exceeds limit)" area?

Courses / credits that exceed specific limits and which do not count toward degree progress will display in this area. For example: MAX classes, audit / *graded courses, courses that exceed 54 credits in-discipline (BA degree), excess credit by exam (Advance Placement, CLEP, etc.), excess transfer credit, excess Lower Division (100/200 level) classes, TNS (Transcript Not Submitted) grades, etc.

What is the difference between "Electives - degree applicable" and "Electives - not degree applicable"?

Undergraduate degrees typically require 120 credits, including General Education and Major requirements. If GenEd requires 30 credits and the major requires 60 credits, for example, there's essentially room for 30 Elective credits within the overall 120 credit degree program. They would be degree-applicable: necessary to complete the degree. In this example, credits beyond 30 that do not fulfill GenEd or Major requirements would go to "not degree applicable".
Note that the number of elective credits allowed will fluctuate. In the example above, taking one course that fulfills both a GenEd and Major requirement would result in 33 degree-applicable elective credits.
Does it matter? Maybe. From an academic point of view, in-progress courses in "Electives - not degree applicable" suggest a lack of degree progress. In-progress courses in "Electives - not degree applicable" may also not count toward Financial Aid eligibility.

I'm a Degree Candidate, is 98% good?

Yes! 98% on the Requirements "speedometer" is exactly what you want to see. Your audit should be full of green (complete) and blue (in-progress / pre-registered) indicators on requirements. This means that if you successfully complete the in-progress / pre-registered coursework, you will be 100% to graduate.

How do I add/drop/change my Major and/or minor?

To declare or add a major/minor, students need to discuss the request with the appropriate academic department(s). Declared students (who already have a major) should speak with their Major 1 advisor before adding, changing or dropping a major or minor. The Request to Declare or Change a Major and/or Minor can be submitted in myOswego on the Student Records Tab. This becomes available to new students on the first day of classes.

Where is my transfer credit?

Most transfer evaluation happens in Admissions. Transfer work evaluated in the Registrar's Office happens within 5 business days of the receipt of the transcript. If there are problems, we will contact you via your Oswego email address. On your transcript, transfer course work appears in the left column as a lump-sum earned credit hours. In Degree Works, transfer credit will appear with a 'T' preceding the letter grade.

I'm a double major — will I get two degrees?

No. Double majors are still pursuing one degree. SUNY Oswego allows the pursuit of just one Undergraduate degree at a time.

Graduation ceremony (Commencement)

The College Book Store (315.312.2260) coordinates the Commencement ceremony and has graduation information online. You can order and pick up your cap and gown through them.

Can I get extra tickets to the ceremony?

Contact Auxiliary Services (315.312.2106).

When will I get my Diploma?

Diplomas are typically mailed 6-8 weeks after Commencement. Double majors do not receive two diplomas. Diplomas codify the conferral of a degree (Baccalaureate, Masters, etc.), not completion of major requirements. Since SUNY Oswego allows for the pursuit and conferral of one degree at a time, it follows that only one diploma is issued at a time.

Why didn't I get my diploma?

On the Registration tab in myOswego, click View Holds to see if you have any holds preventing transcripts (Hold Information also shows on your Student Profile). If there are no holds and it's been 8 or more weeks since Commencement, call us (315.312.2235).

Why is my major not on my diploma?

Majors are not printed on the diploma. The diploma is certification of the conferral of the degree (Baccalaureate, Masters, etc.). Your Transcript will indicate major(s) associated with completion of the degree.

Questions or Complaints?

Student questions or complaints can be directed to the Registrar's Office via phone (315.312.2136), email ( or walk-in at 301 Culkin Hall.