Internal Grants

Below you will find information regarding internal grants available through SUNY Oswego. Click on the grants below to read a brief description of the purpose and requirements of each grant. Within each description, links are provided for additional guidelines, resources and submission instructions.

Please take a look at our Previously Awarded Internal Grant page for a list of funded Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants. 

Disclaimer: The guidelines and documents for some of the scholarly and creative activity grants below are waiting for final approval. Please refrain from submitting applications until you see these items available. Check back frequently for updates to the application submission process and the appropriate guidelines. 

Campus-wide Grants

ARTSwego Grant Programs
ARTSwego is the primary source of support on the SUNY Oswego campus for programs and special current projects that complement the educational mission of the college through residencies, exhibits, and other forms of engagement with arts professionals. Proposals for ARTSwego support are received in the late spring for activities that will take place in the following academic year, and are reviewed on the basis of artistic quality, educational relevance, strength of planning, and commitment of other funds or resources. Funding recommendations are the responsibility of the Arts Programming Board, a diverse committee with faculty, staff, and student representation.
For additional information, visit the ARTSwego Funding Opportunities page.
Shineman Endowed Fund @ SUNY Oswego - discontinued

Congratulations to all the recipients of Shineman Endowed Fund awards!

Thank you to the Richard S. and Barbara P. Shineman Endowed Fund Stewardship Committee for supporting research at SUNY Oswego.

The Shineman Endowed Fund is no longer accepting applications.

If you received a Shineman Endowed Fund award, please continue to use the google form to submit your Interim and Final Reports. The reports are due annually by October 1st while the grant is in progress. Please consult the form for additional details.

Faculty Grants

Early Start Program - up to $5,000

Deadline: Second Monday of May by 4:30pm

The Early Start Program (ESP) at SUNY Oswego is designed to provide support for newly appointed first-year tenure-track or tenured faculty in their research or creative activity programs by granting a summer stipend to those faculty members who choose to come to the SUNY Oswego campus significantly prior to the start of the academic year. Only those scholarly and creative projects that have the hiring Chair’s support and will culminate in extramural grant applications will be supported. Funding is subject to availability.



Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant - up to $3,000

Fall round deadline: Fourth Monday of October by 4:30pm
Spring round deadline: Third Monday of February by 4:30pm

This internally funded grant program is designed to provide support for faculty and staff in the development of their scholarly and creative activity (SCA) programs to be more competitive in their field (i.e., enhancing the possibility of procuring external grants/contracts). Projects that are expected to result in peer-reviewed output, significant public activities/presentations, and/or to have a significant impact on local/campus or national/international community will receive priority. You are encouraged to contact the Chair of the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee (SCAC) and/or the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) if you have any questions about the program. Funding is subject to availability.   


Faculty Mini-Grant - up to $750

Deadline: Rolling

This program is designed to provide support for faculty in their research or creative activity programs by granting small start-up funds for new projects that might lead to larger grants, publications, presentations, and performances.


Curriculum Innovation Grant - up to $3,600

Deadline: Third Monday in March

This  program supports the creation of new courses needed to keep our disciplinary, interdisciplinary and general education programs current in content, quality, and delivery. Proposals should address courses that serve to enhance the overall quality of curricula, or the college's commitment to expanding student knowledge and skills related to diversity and intercultural issues or to embed evidence-based learning practices. Funding is subject to availability.


Technology Initiative Project (TIP) Grant

Deadline: Friday, November 1st, by 4:15 pm

TIP grants are annual funding opportunities provided by the campus to fund academic initiatives that relate to instruction, student usage, improving student usage, and/or improving student learning through the use of technology. Priority is given to new and innovative or trial initiatives, which can possibly later expand on campus (although equipment replacement and expansion of existing equipment requests are also considered). TIP Grants are reviewed by a subcommittee of the university's Campus Technology Advisory Board (CTAB).

Guidelines, Information and Forms 

Penfield Library University Impact Collections Grant - $500

Deadline: 5:00pm Friday February 14, 2025

Grants will be awarded to faculty and professional staff each spring for selection of materials supporting professional development, scholarly activity, program/course curriculum needs, or student success. Applications by individuals are eligible for grants up to $500, while applications by groups are eligible for grants up to $1000.

All materials will become part of the Penfield Library Collection, and physical materials will receive a bookplate with awardee name, department, and year grant was issued.

This program is funded through the New York State Coordinated Collection Development Aid grant.


Provost Faculty Research and Creative Activities Fellowship

Deadline:  Second Friday of December

The Research Fellowship Program promotes and fosters the research endeavors and grant activity of SUNY Oswego faculty.  Four fellowships are awarded annually to proven scholars or highly qualified rising junior scholars with promising research agendas and those who have potential to increase funds from extramural agencies. Active tenure-track or faculty on continuing appointment may apply for fellowships. Eligibility requirements, nomination and selection criteria, conditions of awards, and application deadlines can be obtained from the Provost's Office.

Application Guidelines and Information
Routing Sheet

Each faculty member who is awarded a Provost Faculty Research and Creative Activities Fellowship must complete an Interim Report by January 15th and a Final Report by June 1st via Google Forms. 


Grand Challenges Mini Grant Program

Deadline for Summer/Fall: Second Monday of May by 4:30PM
Deadline for Spring: Second Monday of November by 4:30PM

This program supports faculty and staff wishing to include Grand Challenge topics in their classroom coursework or student project groups. It grants small start-up funds to purchase material associated with new assignments/projects involving the Grand Challenge topic for F21-S24: Race, Racism, and Social Justice.The Grand Challenge Oversight Committee particularly encourages those proposals that lead (or might in the future lead) to collaborations such as:

  • Shared assignment-making across disciplines
  • Team-teaching
  • Civic engagement/volunteerism with local, national or global partners
  • Applied learning opportunities within or across disciplines

Awarded amounts fall between $50 and $350. Upon approval, the awards will be transferred to the lead faculty member’s departmental account.

Additional information on the mission and application process can be found on the Grand Challenges website

Student Grants

Students may find helpful information about writing grants at the Student Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) website.

Student Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant - up to $1,000

Fall Semester Deadline: First Monday of November by 4:30pm
Spring Semester Deadline: Third Monday of February by 4:30pm

The Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee (SCAC) at SUNY Oswego oversees a series of grant programs that support research and creative activities in which our faculty and students participate. The Graduate and Undergraduate Student Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant (Student SCA) program is designed to support and foster graduate and undergraduate student research and original creative work conducted in collaboration with a SUNY Oswego faculty sponsor. Please note: any Student SCA proposal that meets the criteria for the Helen Bohmer Daly Memorial Research Grant will also be considered for that more specialized grant offering. Funding is subject to availability.


Helen Bohmer Daly Memorial Research Grant - up to $1,000

Deadline: First Monday of November by 4:30pm

This grant follows the same guidelines as the Student SCA Grant above. Please follow those guidelines as you are applying for this grant. This fund was established to support and foster basic behavioral research by SUNY Oswego faculty, staff and students working in collaboration with a faculty sponsor. Proposals for laboratory-bound investigations will have higher priority in funding decisions. However, in recognition of the growing importance of research conducted in natural settings, funding may be made available to projects that do not lend themselves to laboratory investigation.

Application Guidelines 

By receiving this grant, an interim or final report must be submitted by May 1. You may submit that report through Google Forms.

Student Mini Grants - up to $500

Deadline: Rolling

In collaboration with the Student Office of Research and Creative Activities (Student ORCA) of SUNY Oswego, the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee (SCAC) offers the Student Mini-Grant (SMG) program to support students in their research, scholarly, and creative efforts by granting small funds for independent projects that are not associated directly with their coursework. All undergraduate and graduate matriculated students participating in research, scholarly, or creative activities that are not directly associated with the development/execution of student’s coursework are eligible. Funding requests for books/supplies required for a class will not be granted.

Application Guidelines

Application Submission Form

By receiving this grant, an interim or final report must be submitted by May 1. You may submit that report through Google Forms.


Student Travel Grants - up to $500

Deadline: There is no deadline for these requests. Students should submit requests after their work has been accepted for presentation.

The Research and Individualized Student Experiences (RISE) Office of SUNY Oswego supports and fosters graduate and undergraduate students presentations of research, performances, artistic and other scholarly and creative activities at professional conferences and forums.

Please be advised that there is a limited amount of funds available to support student travel requests. Most applications will not receive full funding and cost saving procedures are encouraged. These procedures would include selecting state and local conferences, applying for discount group rates at hotels nearby the conference, and driving to nearby venues as opposed to flying. Graduate students enrolled in a graduate program and matriculated undergraduate students at SUNY Oswego may apply.

Link to Student Travel Grant Page 

Counseling and Psychological Services Student Travel Grants - $50 to $150

Deadline: Rolling

Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Grants are for travel to scholarly conferences to present research results from projects related to study in Counseling and Psychological Services curriculum. Contact your Counseling and Psychological Services professor for details.

Additional information is available from the Counseling and Psychological Services office.

GETGO! Global Experience Travel Grant from Oswego

The global experience travel grant from Oswego is an award specifically designed to encourage, support and promote student travel abroad to countries where languages other than English are spoken. The primary purpose of such travel abroad shall be for study or work/internships.  

Information about applying for education abroad programs through SUNY Oswego, including the application for the GETGO and other scholarships, can be found on the Study Abroad Scholardhip page.

For additional information, please contact the Office of International Education & Programs in 100 Sheldon: or 315-312-2118.

For Modern Language majors and minors, please contact Modern Languages and Literature, 245 Campus Center: 315-312-2196.

Sigma Xi Student Publication Awards - up to $100

Deadline: Rolling

The “Sigma Xi Students Publication Awards”, in the amount up to $100, will be available annually to students who participated in scholarly publications. Scholarly participation can be in the form of peer-reviewed publications in journals, special editions, and printed or e-book/book chapters. Abstracts published in conference/meeting resources are not eligible. A publication is defined as material reproduced in a form for distribution to the public. Officers of Sigma Xi Oswego Chapters will review the applications submitted.

Additional Guidelines

Confocal Imaging Fund Undergraduate Grant - up to $1,500

Fall Deadline: Monday, November 13th 2023, by 4:30 pm
Spring Deadline: Monday, April 15th 2024, by 4:30 pm

The SUNY Oswego Departments of Biological Sciences and Anthropology are pleased to announce the call for applications for the Confocal Imaging Fund Undergraduate Grant. This opportunity is designed to support undergraduate student travel to national and international conferences to present research that was primarily conducted using the Zeiss LSM700 Confocal Microscope, as well as support student stipends to conduct research that primarily relies on the use of the Zeiss LSM700 Confocal Microscope over the winter and summer breaks.

Application Guidelines

For Oswego faculty sponsors submitting either a letter of recommendation for a travel grant, or a letter of support for a research stipend, please see the Application Guidelines for instructions and links.


When all application materials are prepared students can submit their application through Google Forms

By receiving this grant, a final report must be submitted once travel has been completed. You may submit that report through Google Forms as well. 

Stephen Saraydar Undergraduate Research Grant - $500

Deadline: First Monday in April

The SUNY Oswego Department of Anthropology is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Saraydar Undergraduate Research Grant. This opportunity is designed to support undergraduate student research in the fields of anthropology in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology.

The purpose of this grant is to support and encourage independent undergraduate research activity in anthropology. Two $500 awards will be announced at the end of the Spring 2018 semester, for projects that will take place during the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 semesters. The funds may be used for supplies, equipment, or other expenses directly related to the completion of the proposed project. Wage stipends will not be funded under the grant. 

Application Guidelines

When you have all materials prepared you can submit your application through Google Forms.

Fulbright Student Mentoring

Campus Deadline : Friday, September 15, 2023 at 5pm EST
National Deadline : Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 5pm EST
For Fall 2023 applicants, interviews with the SUNY Oswego Fulbright Committee will be conducted in-person and/or virtually. Please contact Dr. Lyn Blanchfield ( for more information.

Would you like an opportunity for funded research/study abroad? Or the opportunity to teach English in another country? The opportunity to be a cultural ambassador? The opportunity to earn a prestigious award recognized around the world? If so, Fulbright US Student Program award may be for you.
Our Student Fulbright Advisor, Lyn Blanchfield, is ready to talk with you about opportunities for graduating seniors, masters degree students, and alumni of SUNY Oswego. She and other mentors on the campus can support your efforts and also help prepare you for the campus interview process.

Students seeking a Fulbright US Student Award for the year following graduation will make their application in the fall of their senior year. They should meet with the Fulbright Advisor during spring semester of their junior year in order to learn about preparing an application.

It is never too early to begin planning, even if you are just starting your studies. Undergraduates can participate in activities that will prepare them for this award: undergraduate research, community engagement, campus activities with international students, courses and events on global topics, and study abroad. Master's degree students could consider this grant either for completion of their programs or as a transition to a Ph.D.  

Lyn Blanchfield
Fulbright Program Advisor
Boren Scholarship Advisor
452 Mahar and IPAC office

Fulbright Program
To learn more about this international award, visit the US Student Fulbright website, or find them on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.

(Previously posted on an IGE page)

Faculty-Student Collaboration Grants

Faculty-Student Challenge Grant - up to $5,000

Deadline: Third Monday in February by 4:30pm

The purpose of the Challenge Grant program is to promote and support student/faculty summer scholarly collaborations that ultimately lead to publications, presentations, performances, and/or external grant applications. It is the goal of the program to assist faculty in providing motivated students, particularly undergraduates, with high-level scholarly and creative experiences. Successful applicants will be engaged in an ongoing project with one or more students who participate in a direct and meaningful way in faculty scholarly and creative activities.



Rice Creek Field Station Small Grants - $500 to $3,000

Deadline: Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Rice Creek Associates (RCA) is a citizen support group that aims to further the mission of the of Rice Creek Field Station (RCFS).

RCA invites proposals from scholars, scientists, educators, and students for the 2024 Rice Creek Associates Small Grants Program.

To be eligible, a significant portion of the project should be done at Rice Creek Field Station.
Special consideration will be given to projects that pertain to the solar eclipse on Monday, 8 April 2024.

Funding is subject to availability.

For more information and proposal guidelines, please refer to the 2024 Annual Small Grants Program Announcement.

Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA)

The Research and Individualized Student Experiences (RISE) office in partnership with the Financial Aid office is pleased to support 10 Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA) through the federally funded Work Study program. This program allows faculty from across the university to request an eligible student as a research assistant to advance their research/scholarship. The specific responsibilities of the student will vary based on discipline but are intended to be more task-oriented (e.g. data entry, literature searches, grant proposal support, routine lab or studio work) than research appropriate for independent study credit or summer research supported through grants. Several faculty within a department or across disciplines are encouraged to apply together for a single Undergraduate Research Assistantship position.  This is a pre-matched Federal Work Study position, so faculty will be asked to identify students that will be assigned for the full academic year unless they cease to be eligible financially or academically.

Additional Information

For assistance or questions regarding one of the grants above, please contact:

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs