Student travel grants

You must be signed in your SUNY-Oswego mail or Laker Apps to view and fill in this form.

The Student ORCA supports student travel to present their work at conferences, exhibits, or performances.

1) Please download and read these guidelines.

2) Ask your mentor to download, fill in, and send you the signed faculty sponsor form. You need a copy of it to be included with your application.

3) To apply, fill out the form below. You will be asked for your and your faculty sponsor's affiliation and contact information; name, location, and timing of your event; the title and the accepted abstract of your presentation; the filled and signed faculty sponsor form (pdf format) must be included.

4) Student travel grant awardees must submit a summary and provide evidence of their experience to the RISE office within ten days after the event. Please use this link to submit your report. The lack of such a report will stop your faculty from being able to sponsor students for future trips.

Please be advised that there is a limited amount of funds to support student travel requests. The Student ORCA may support local and close-by regional events up to $150/presenter; regional and close-by national events up to $250/presenter; and national and international events up to $500/presenter. You should apply at least two weeks before your presentation. Each presenter must apply separately because funds are provided individually. Nevertheless, if several students go to the same event, we ask that you please coordinate your application efforts so that all applications are provided within a 72-hour window. Most applications will not receive full funding, and cost-saving measures are encouraged. These procedures would include selecting state and local conferences, applying for discount group rates at hotels near the meeting, and driving to nearby venues instead of flying.

Please do not forget that your mentor needs to support your application, that these funds are only meant to support student presentations, and that you must submit a report upon your return. If your trip does not involve a presentation of your work, then this funding mechanism is not going to work for you. Consider applying via EXCEL, for Feinberg funds, which do not have this limitation.

To apply, use this Student Travel Application Form.


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the ORCA Director at