Fireside Chat: School Counseling & School Psychology (Virtual Networking Event)

Tuesday, May 5th 2020

4:00 pm - 4:45 pm. EDT

Hosted by State University of New York at Oswego

Organized by Stephanie Lamb, Jacqueline Wallace

Registration Link and for more information see:

Virtual Session

Join us for our upcoming Fireside Chat: School counseling & Psychology! Virtually on May 5, 2020 at 4:00pm!

Network with Oswego alumni and professionals in the fields of School Counseling & School Psychology!
Don't miss your chance to get an inside scoop... advice from the experts!


- Lee Kaiser '91, School Counselor & Educator for Fairfax County Public Schools

- Melinda McCabe-Rubino '05, School Counselor for Adirondack Central School

- Brianna Janes '18, School Psychologist for Rome City School District


- Learn about their educational & professional backgrounds.

- What got them interested in their current career field.

- What they enjoy the most and what is the #1 challenge typically faced (outside of the current situation).

- Experiences they had in their undergraduate education that was beneficial to their careers.

- The current challenges faced as a professional working with K-12 students during COVID & where they see the field going in the near future.

- Advice do you have for students who are interested in this field.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Contact information

Hosted by State University of New York at Oswego

Organized by Stephanie Lamb, Jacqueline Wallace

Registration Link and for more information see:


Virtual Event