City Year New York Virtual Info Session

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
3:30pm - 4:30pm

For more details and registration visit:

Virtual Event

Hosted by City Year

Organized by Hannah Garone, Christina Simon

Virtual Session

Any Handshake student with a link to this event can view and RSVP

I hope you and your loved ones have been safe and happy in a time that can easily be energetically draining. Now is surely a time where service is needed in America. City Year is a social justice oriented organization that positions itself where young people between the ages of 17-25 can go into their communities (or others), and have a rippling impact. It is a gap year opportunity where you and a team of City Year Corps Members dedicate a year of paid service to providing holistic education to a partner public school and community. Attend this virtual event to learn about the benefits and challenges of service and ask any questions you may have.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Contact information

Hosted by City Year

Organized by Hannah Garone, Christina Simon
