Ryan Sprague ('06)

I spent 2 years on the road acting for the National Theater of Arts and education. I've had several successful plays produced Off-Broadway, wrote and published a novel, created and host a #1 podcast, and have been featured on several television shows on the Travel Channel, Science Channel, and currently host Mysteries Decoded on the CW Network.
My time at Oswego taught me how to be a disciplined actor and writer. It also taught me that a career in the arts truly is a proactive endeavor. You have to create your own work and be your own advocate. I used my skills, lessons, and connections from Oswego to think outside the box and create my own work. Since then, I have become a successful playwright in the Off-Broadway world, and have also used my special interests in the unknown and paranormal to create an award-winning podcast, book, and soon-to-be television show. I have been able to hop back in to performance mode and use my skills from acting classes, directing classes, and even auditioning workshops offered at Oswego.