iPad Pilot II

This fall, students in selected classes in the School of Education were loaned iPads for educational use. In this project group meeting, participants will discuss the status of the project, discuss any problems or issues that have appeared,  and assemble plans for future workshops. Anyone interested in learning more about this project is welcome to attend.

Creating and editing PDF documents on a tablet computer

This workshop will examine how PDF Expert and other PDF editing apps may be used to create and edit PDF documents. Particular focus will be placed on examining how student work submitted as Microsoft Office documents (or as PDFs) may be opened, annotated (using text markup or by embedding text or audio notes), and returned to students electronically. The use of these apps to fill out PDF forms and toelectonically add signatures to documents will also be demonstrated.

Accessories for tablets and smart phones

This workshop will examine a range of accessories that can increase the usefulness of tablet computers and smartphones. A partial list of accessories that will be discussed include: bluetooth headsets and speakers, bluetooth keyboards, usb audio mixing boards/usb microphones, wireless printers, wireless video streaming through Apple TV/Chromecast/etc, styluses, and portable projectors.