Travel Advisory: Zika, Dengue and Chikunguya

Traveling to a tropical place for Spring Break?

You should be aware of recent Zika, Dengue and Chikunguya outbreaks.

Zika, Dengue, and Chikunguya are viruses that can be transmitted from mosquitos at any time of the day. In addition, Zika can also be spread through sexual intercourse.


Zika has been found in Africa, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Brazil, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and America Samoa. There is currently a travel advisory for the following: Cape Verde, Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, Pacific Islands and South America.

Dengue is found in Puerto Rico, Latin America, South East Asia, Pacific Islands and Hawaii There are currently a travel advisory for the following: Cape Verde, Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, Pacific Islands and South America.

Chikunguya has been reported in Africa, Asia, Europe, Indian and Pacific Ocean, and the Caribbean. 


Zika: fever, rash, headache, muscle or joint pain, or visibly red eyes (conjunctivitis).


Please be advised that women who are currently pregnant or trying to become pregnant are most at risk due to the possibility of birth defects (microcephaly) or  fetal death.

Chikunguya: fever, muscle or joint pain/swelling, headache and rash.

Symptoms for Zika and Chikunguya typically develop 3-7 days after infection.  They resolve in 1 week.

Dengue: high fever, severe headache, severe pain behind eyes, joint pain, muscle and bone pain, rash, mild bleeding (from gums, nose and easy bruising).

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)  This is a severe form of Dengue and can cause death. The symptoms are the same as Dengue but the fever last 2-7 days.  When the fever declines you develop persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain and difficulty breathing.


If infected with Zika, Dengue, or Chikunguya Virus’ you can treat them by resting, consuming plenty of fluids. If you decide to take a pain reliever, stick to Tylenol. Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen or any NSAIDs. 

Women who are pregnant should not travel to Zika infected areas. If you must travel, take extra precautions. If you have traveled and are pregnant you can be tested. Talk to your healthcare provider about Zika symptoms.


Avoid traveling to places where Zika is present. If you are traveling to any areas affected by Zika, Dengue, and Chikunguya you can prevent contraction of these diseases through reducing the chances of mosquito bites.

You can reduce the chances of being bitten by mosquitos using as directed EPA-registered repellent, wearing clothing like long sleeve shirts and pants if exposed outside. You can also limit the way mosquitos can get into inside spaces through screens on windows and doors and air conditioners. Another way to help ward off mosquitos is to use Permethrin on clothing, not skin.

If you are travelling with a baby or a child do not use insect repellent on babies younger than 2 months. Dress all children that you may be traveling with in clothing that covers arms and legs.