College Council Meeting Minutes - October 1, 2021

College Council Meeting Minutes
October 1, 2021
9:00 - 11:30 am
706 Culkin Hall

Darlene Baker
Saleem Cheeks
Richard Farfaglia
Brian McGrath, Esq. (via Zoom)
Jim McMahon
Rick Back
Tristan Caruana

Mike Goldych, Excused
Takayla Beckon, Excused
Kristin Shanley-Graves, Esq

Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt, Professor of Economics, Faculty Assembly Chair
Jennifer Janes, Oswego Alumni Association
Kristi Eck, Chief of Staff
Scott Furlong, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kathleen Kerr, Vice President for Students Affairs and Enrollment Management
Rodmon King, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer

1.  Welcome and call to order:  College Council Chair, James McMahon called the meeting to order at 9:01am. 
I would like to deviate a little from the agenda order and begin with number 9. (See minutes below.)

2.  Approval of minutes of May 10, 2021 Meeting: College Council Chair, James McMahon asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 10, 2021 meeting. Richard Farfaglia made a motion. Darlene Baker seconded the motion. All were in favor. The minutes of the May 10, 2021 meeting were approved by the College Council.

3.  Alumni Report:  Jennifer Janes reported that today and this weekend is our inaugural Founder’s Weekend which is in celebration of Edward Austin Sheldon’s birthday which is on October 4th. It’s also the 160 anniversary of the college.

The Alumni engagement team is collaborating with the President’s Office to hopefully hold an in-person commencement ceremony this December for the Class of 2020 and December 2021 graduates.

The Gold Group, which is our alumni of the last decade, is doing a lot of work with the admissions office to help with recruiting efforts.

The Alumni Sharing Knowledge program is continuing to be a valuable resource.

We hope to hold an in-person reunion program this June.

4.  Faculty Report: 
Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt reported that our undergraduate curriculum committee approved three new undergraduate courses. We have the Journalism BA and minor revisions approved. Also, approved is the Resistance to Global Studies to update that major as well.

We’ve approved two resolutions:

  1. Resolution of Commendation to the May 2021 Commencement Planning Committee
  2. Resolution supporting University Faculty Senate Resolution 187-04-01 Support of Black Lives Matter

Upcoming Business:

  1. MSCHE progress, Career Services, Title IX office
  2. Presentation on SUNY General Education requirements
  3. Report from the Task Force on Assessment Practices
  4. Report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Student Evaluations of Teaching

Upcoming Governance Activities:

  1. Election of faculty to the Presidential Search Committee (election ended 9/17/21)
  2. Election of faculty to School of Education Dean Search Committee
  3. Election of review committees for the Dean of Extended Learning and the Director of the Library

5.  Student Report:  (PowerPoint presentation shared.)
Tristan Caruana, Student Association Chief of Staff, reported what the Student Association has going on as a Student Association cabinet.

6. Middle States Self-Study Update: (PowerPoint presentation shared.) Kristi Eck and Rick Back shared the process so far.
There will be a virtual Middle States Self Study Team Chair visit on October 25, 2021. When we share the draft with you, we would love our opinion on it. Having your perspective on it helps us.

7. Campus Update(PowerPoint presentation shared.)
Scott Furlong reported on enrollment, updates on new hires/current searches, COVID-19 testing & vaccination, budget and capital updates, Oswego College Foundation, updates and initiatives, upcoming events.

8.  Old Business:  No old business was discussed.

9.  New Business:  No new business was discussed.
At College Council Chairman, James McMahons request, Kristi Eck presented and read a draft letter and draft resolution from James McMahon, as Chair of the College Council to honor President Stanley with the status of President Emeritus after her retirement, which will be forwarded by College Council Chair James McMahon to SUNY Board of Trustee, Merryl Tisch and Chancellor Jim Malatras if approved by the College Council.

College Council Chair James McMahon asked for a motion to accept the resolution.

College Council Member Richard Farfaglia asked what President Stanley would receive other than the distinguished title. Liz Schmitt stated that it’s an honorific and an affiliation. It gives her a standing title.

Saleem Cheeks requested to add a definition of what president emeritus means. Also change $56m endowment to $58m.

Saleem Cheeks stated that President Stanley has been a steady hand with a clear vision for the institution. Darlene Baker made a motion to accept the resolution. Richard Farfaglia seconded the motion. All in favor.

College Council Chair, James McMahon updated the College Council on where we are on the search committee. We’ve started the process. We’ve chosen a search firm and have sent it along to SUNY.

Motion to adjourn was made by Darlene Baker. Meeting was adjourned at 11:15am.