SUNY ORP and 403(b)/457(b) Authorized Investment Providers

Participants in the SUNY Optional Retirement Program (ORP) and/or the SUNY 403b and/or the NYS Deferred Comp. Plan 457(b) plan may invest with any one or a combination of the currently Authorized Investment Providers- SUNY Voluntary Savings Plan.

This chart provides a summary containing further details about some of the key features and differences between 403(b) and 457(b) plans to help you better decide which one is right for you, if not both: 2023 SUNY 403(b) vs. 457 Comparison Chart 

If you would like to review investment options or speak with a local representative from any of the available SUNY/NYS investment providers, please see the contact information listed below. 

TIAA Consultant

250 S Clinton St., Suite 310

Syracuse, NY 13202

Darryl Fiasconaro



Voya Investment Agent

  Aaron Cahill 315-565-4016    


Fidelity Investments

  Bill Stark (716)270-7732   


  Corebridge Financial (formerly AIG Retirement Services)

Taylor Jaquays 315-922-2379    


New York State Deferred Compensation Plan

New York State Deferred Compensation (

HELPLINE 1-800-422-8463 

Additionally, if you would like some introductory information on how to select investments re. your SUNY ORP and/or a 403(b), please visit the SUNY Choosing Your Investments web page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Human Resources at 315-312-2230 or

Please visit the HR announcements page for the most up-to-date information from the college’s Human Resources and Payroll Offices.

Dated Posted: 12/28/2022