The Future of Higher Education Reading Group

Are you interested in

The Future of Higher Education?

You are invited to join

a discussion of books

on the future of higher education.


Books are now available on reserve in the library.

 Or, why not order a copy through Interlibrary Loan

 or purchase one for yourself through the bookstore or on-line?


You are encouraged to read the book in advance,

but, if unable to do so, please come hear the discussion anyway.


12:40-1:40  Campus Center 133

 Wednesday, February 9 - Kamenetz, Anya (2010), DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.  

This is a thought-provoking look at changes in higher education.  Kamenetz discusses the challenges of access, cost, and quality and gives many examples of how people are responding by using technology, independent study, unbundled learning, and other strategies.  She offers resources to students for their own education.  This book is a glimpse of future possibilities.


Wednesday, March 9 -  Kuh, George D. (2008).  High Impact Educational Practices: What they are, Who has access to them, and Why they Matter (AAC&U)

This short publication defines a set of educational practices that have a significant impact on student success. George Kuh explains why they benefit all students and seem to benefit underserved students even more than their more advantaged peers. This is a very good book on increasing student success on campuses of the future.


Wednesday, April 6 - Wildavsky, Ben (2010).  The Great Brain Race: How Global Universities are Reshaping the World (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press)

International competition is transforming the world of higher education.  From new universities in China, India and Saudi Arabia to satellite campuses of Western universities in Dubai and Singapore, the landscape of higher education is changing.  This is creating a new global meritocracy and new challenges for the future

Sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

To express interest, ask questions, or suggest future readings, contact John Kane or Susan Coultrap-McQuin.