Emergency procedures: bomb threats

If you receive a threatening call (bomb, other physical harm, etc.), do not hang up. Have someone else call the University Police at 315-312-5555 (on campus) from another extension if possible. Attempt to engage the caller in a conversation and obtain as much information as possible. Caller ID is also available on most phones. Take notes. Don't put the caller on hold.

Bomb threat procedures and checklist  (Printable PDF 255 KB)

Details about the caller as below:

  • Male or female?
  • Young or old?
  • Calm? Angry? Any accent?
  • What sounds are in the background?
  • Record the caller's exact words, if possible.

If it is a bomb threat, ask these questions as well:

  • What is the threat?
  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • What does it look like? What kind is it?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • Where is the bomb?
  • Who placed the bomb?
  • Why was the bomb placed?

The decision to evacuate will be made by the University Police, based on an assessment of the information and circumstances surrounding the threat.


Once the decision to evacuate has been made and specific instructions for evacuation are issued, try to remain calm and avoid panic. Walk to the nearest exit:

  • Make sure others are evacuating (University Police, building coordinators, campus staff may assist in the evacuation).
  • Evacuate 300 feet from the area containing the bomb. If you see something that appears to be an explosive, or if a bomb is found, DO NOT move, jar or touch the object or anything attached to it. Leave it for specially trained police officers to remove. Tell police immediately if you find something that looks suspicious.

In any bomb threat situation:

  • Check your work area for unfamiliar items. Do not touch suspicious items; report them to University Police at 315-312-5555.
  • Take personal belonging when you leave.
  • Leave doors and windows open; Do not turn light switch on or off.
  • Use stairs only; do not use elevators.
  • Move well away from the building and follow instructions from emergency responders.