University Police
- Crime alerts
- Criminal Investigations Division
- Community policing
- Communications
- Community awareness
- Contact UPD
- Records
- Bike Patrol
- Emergency preparedness/procedures
- Important phone numbers
- Patrol Division
- LakerWatch
- The officer and the job
- Links of interest
- Services
- Sex Offender Registry
- Site map
- Various laws
- Annual Report
Disaster protocol for residence hall staff
University Police
- Crime alerts
- Criminal Investigations Division
- Community policing
- Communications
- Community awareness
- Contact UPD
- Records
- Bike Patrol
- Emergency preparedness/procedures
- Important phone numbers
- Patrol Division
- LakerWatch
- The officer and the job
- Links of interest
- Services
- Sex Offender Registry
- Site map
- Various laws
- Annual Report
Residence directors (RD)
1. Upon hearing about an emergency situation on campus, report to Residence Life and Housing Office. Get to a phone and attempt to contact a housing/residence life administrator via cell phone or landline.
2. Upon making contact, report to the agreed upon location and await further instructions.
3. If you are not aware of who is the on-call administrator call University Police at 315-312-5555.
Residence assistants (RA)
1. Upon hearing about an emergency situation on campus, report back to your residence hall office and wait to be contacted.
2. If it is not possible to enter your residence hall, report to the nearest safe residence hall office and wait for instructions.
General instructions for all emergency situations
1. The role of the residence hall staff will be to communicate with the students about the nature of the incident.
2. It is important to keep students calm, safe and provide them with clear instructions on what they are to do (e.g., evacuate a building, stay in their building, shelter in place, etc.)
3. It is also important to communicate the needs of the residents or any other critical information to the Housing/Residence Life Administrators so that we mobilize the necessary resources for the situation.
4. Note (write down) students names and cellular phone numbers that are present in the emergency shelter location.
Evacuation procedures
In an emergency - police/fire/ambulance - dial 911.
Building evacuation
1. All building evacuations will occur when a fire alarm sounds and/or upon notification by University Police, a building coordinator or other authorized personnel.
2. When the building evacuation alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by the nearest safe, marked exit and alert others to do the same.
3. Assist the disabled in exiting the building! DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS IN CASES OF FIRE!
4. Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 300 feet from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
5. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a university official. University Police or other emergency response personnel must be notified of missing persons so that a search can be conducted.
- Preplan designated meeting place.