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Video: Ursula Wilkinson

October 10, 2019

Ursula Wilkinson, Campus Technology Services' information security analyst, leads the charge to keep data and individuals safe from online attacks, and offers tips tying in with National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Video: Dorcas Afolayan

September 30, 2019

Dorcas Afolayan, a dual major in anthropology and global studies from Richmond, Virginia, talks about what interested her in how humans work, her studies abroad, interaction with faculty and more.

Video: Takeena Strachan

September 13, 2019

Takeena Strachan, president of Student Association and a senior political science major from Middletown, talks about why she chose Oswego, her major and getting involved; her goals for SA this year; and the supportive atmosphere of the college.

Francisco Suarez teaches SUNY Oswego students about filmmaking and storytelling

Francisco Suárez

August 15, 2019

Francisco Suárez of the communication studies faculty appreciates creating opportunities for Oswego's hard-working students, including plans for a fun, ambitious holiday TV variety special.

Brian McGrane prepares for another women's soccer season

Brian McGrane

July 2, 2019

After a sensational career as an all-American soccer player at SUNY Plattsburgh, Brian McGrane made the sport his life's work; now he nears the start of his 13th season as head coach of a Laker women's program eager to take care of unfinished business.

Nancy Concadoro of the human resources office

Nancy Concadoro

May 30, 2019

Human resources associate Nancy Concadoro loves her job and her major role in the college's efforts to diversify job candidate pools for faculty and professional staff. She also loves Commencement, Laker hockey and her dog River, who visits campus to help students de-stress.

Kenan Bernard aspires to teach after graduation

Kenan Bernard

April 26, 2019

Winding down his sophomore year, adolescence education major Kenan Bernard can't wait for his succession of placements in high school social studies classrooms to start this fall. He volunteers for and avidly observes the current musical "Fun Home."

Mohammad Islam in a physics lab

Mohammad Islam

April 15, 2019

An associate professor of physics and a specialist in nanotechnology, Mohammad Islam holds a patent related to his research on rechargeable batteries. Long interested in sustainable energy technologies, Mohammad employs undergraduate interns, providing them with skills to go on to other opportunities in research.

Rachelle Hills is a master's in strategic communication student

Rachelle Hills

March 29, 2019

A competitor in Quest's 3-Minute Thesis competition for graduate research presentations, Australian student Rachelle Hills anticipates soon earning a master's degree in strategic communication, having made a return trip to SUNY Oswego on the advice of a friend.

Sarah Rappleye in a chemistry lab

Sarah Rappleye

March 15, 2019

Science beckoned at an early age for sophomore Sarah Rappleye (Rapple-ee), who majors in chemistry, minors in biocultural anthropology and forensic science, and is poised to present her research at a regional conference -- all while participating year-round in NCAA athletics.