Resources for students
Important HDV Capstone Announcement
Students must now complete HDV 403 before HDV 400. Students may still enroll in both courses at the same time for the next two semesters, Spring 2022 and Fall 2022. For more information please read the attached document.
Worksheet for Student Planning
Need help planning your coursework? Try the HDV worksheet for student planning. View required courses, track completed courses, and plan ahead for registration.
Multidisciplinary Learning Agreemement (MLA)
HDV majors and minors must complete a Multidisciplinary Learning Agreement based on individualized learning goals in consultation with academic advisors. The MLA is completed at the same time as the senior checklist and uses courses you have already completed. Students should decide in advance which courses to use for the MLA. For more information please read the attached document,.
HDV Internships
The HDV program requires two internships, HDV 303 and HDV 403. The internships build and support community-college bonds and offer first-hand learning about careers in various field settings and with different age groups. HDV 303 is a prerequisite for HDV 403. HDV 403 is a prerequisite for the capstone, HDV 400. For more information please read the attached document.