Get involved


You'll find a multitude of clubs for human development students to join related to the field:

Active Minds
Empowers students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others and encourage help-seeking. Active Minds is changing the culture on campuses and in the community by providing information, leadership opportunities and advocacy training to the next generation.​​

Adopt a Grandparent
Volunteers visit various nursing homes weekly to facilitate bingo, crafts and games with each nursing home's residents, transportation is provided.​

Human Development Club
The goal of the Human Development Club is to serve as an academic resource to SUNY Oswego students interested in the field of Human Development. The club will provide avenues for students to be involved on campus and contribute to the local community. Our club hopes to develop a safe space to share ideas and become a community with like-minded students. For questions, email 

Psychology Club
Professors and guest speakers share their research, knowledge and experience at many meetings. Members collaborate with other organizations on campus to participate in such activities as the Stride to SAVE Lives, Adopt-A-Grandparent, Oswego Animal Shelter, Relay for Life and Mentor Oswego​. For questions, email

Omicron Delta Kappa

Some students in the human development program have become members of ODK, a 100-year old national leadership honor society that​​ recognizes academic achievement and campus leadership​. As a Circle member of Omicron Delta Kappa, you have access to a nationwide network of leaders in industry, academia, and community agencies, you may even be eligible for scholarships and awards.​

Members display:

  • Exemplary character
  • Responsible leadership and service in campus and community life
  • Superior scholarship
  • Genuine fellowship
  • Consecration of democratic ideals

To apply, students must have junior or senior standing, and rank in the upper 35 percent of their class. Membership fees apply. Learn more