Department: CSI, Communication Studies
Rank: Visiting Assistant Professor

Contact Info:
Office Hours: By Appointment

Howard University Ph.D., Communication and Culture 
Howard University MA., Communication and Culture 
Indiana University B.A. Communication and Culture
Intercultural and New Media

*Distinguished Faculty Award (China Agricultural University/ICB/UCD(2015)
*Teaching Assistantship in the Department of Communication of Culture (2010-2013)
*Graduate Assistantship  through Howard University‚Äôs graduate school (2004-2006)
*21st Century Scholar (2000-2004)
*McNair Scholar Research Award (2003)

*Quest Research at Howard University, Office of University Research and Graduate School Winter 2004/2005 (Graduate Assistant to the Editor Gwendolyn Bethea
*Pearson Custom text chapter Enhancing Personal and Professional Communication Effectiveness 2013
*China‚Äôs Ministry of Education  ‚ÄúPedagogical Differences and Implications of Transnational Education‚Äù ; January 2015 

National PCA Conference Panel When is Enough, Enuf, A Critical Analysis of for Colored Girls, April 2011
NCA Conference Panel: Celebrating Community through the Expanding Boundaries of Discourse, November 2012
WCA Conference Paper: Where is the Power: Discourse and Social Media

Current Research/Research Interests:
International Task Force NCA (Pedagogy and learning)

Professional Affiliates:
NCA (National Communication Association)
WCA (World Communication Association)