Institutional Data


Current institutional research data is available through a set of Tableau dashboards (below). Tableau is an interactive data visualization tool designed to help users view and understand relevant data. Institutional data from 2021 and earlier are available as Factbooks.

Use our publically availble Fast Facts dashboard to learn more about SUNY Oswego.

The currently available dashboards are listed in the Institutional Research Dashboards document. A list with links to the relevant part of the document is also provided below. You must have a SUNY Oswego email to access the links.

Factbook Dashboard Links

Other Dashboards

External Dashboards

Submit Dashboard Feedback

These dashboards are in active development. If you have any questions, thoughts, or feedback, please use the Dashboard Feedback Form.

Detailed Information about SUNY Oswego

Submit Request for Data

The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment is committed to responding in an accurate and timely manner to internal requests for data and information. If you need additional information please submit a request via the Data Request Form.