Human-Computer Interaction

We are constantly interacting with devices in different ways — such as apps, websites, kiosks and cars — just to name a few. Human-computer interaction graduates go out into the world and improve the usability of these interfaces.

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View courses: Master of Arts

Psychology/Human-Computer Interaction

SUNY Oswego offers a dynamic five-year program that prepares you for understanding how humans and technology interact. This option allows students to earn two degrees over a five-year time frame, so you can save money and time by eliminating a semester compared to pursuing these degrees separately.

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View courses: Bachelor of Arts + Master of Arts

Health Information Technology Online

Use the newest information technology to improve healthcare and processes through data analytics, and data and information management. Oswegos online program is one of the few in New York that addresses the growing demand for the integration of information technology systems in the healthcare industry.

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View courses: Advanced Certificate

Integrated Health Systems Online

As health systems change, the field has a growing need for professionals who understand how new technology affects patients and medical personnel. Deepen your knowledge of information systems, human-computer interaction and communication methods in a healthcare setting with this online program.

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View courses: Advanced Certificate