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The Spring 2024 round of the Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activities Grant application/review process resulted in five proposals selected for funding by members of the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee and ultimately approved for funding by Provost Scott Furlong. The funded proposals added up to more than $12,091

The funded proposals are as follows:

Conversion of Methane-to-Methanol Using Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters
Faculty Member(s): Mahdi Hesari, Chemistry

Observations of Rural Justice Courts in New York State
Faculty Member(s): Margaret Schmuhl, Criminal Justice 

Letters from veteran special educators: The motivational contours to starting and staying with the work of SPED
Faculty Member(s): Jed Locquiao, Curriculum and Instruction

Imperialism Underground: The Political Imagination of White Wimmen and Jungle Girls
Faculty Member(s): Joshua Plencner, Political Science

Mid-Infrared Quantum Dot Photodetectors
Faculty Member(s): Mohammad Islam, Physics and Astronomy

For more information on grants to support research and creative activity, visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website.