Additional Navigation

Google will be changing the appearance of the login page used for accessing SUNY Oswego’s LakerApps suite of apps including Gmail. While Google does not specify an exact date when SUNY Oswego will see this change, it will be rolled out sometime this week with the latest date being March 4.

To alert users, Google started posting a message at the top of the current login page announcing that a new more modern look and feel is coming soon. 

 A new look is coming soon. Google is improving its sign-in page with a more modern look and feel


The new look will move elements of the current login page from a vertical to a more horizontal look with the email address field right justified on the page.

The new login page has the Google logo with the words "Sign in" and "Use your Google Accont" on the left side of the page with the email login field on the right side of the page.  A blue button that says "Next" is to be clicked on after entering your email address.

Other than the visual change, the login process and functionality of the apps remain the same.

If you have any questions related to this maintenance, please contact CTS.

-- Submitted by Campus Technology Services