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According to Oswego's Campus Technology Services (CTS), the hosting provider for Blackboard and Degree Works continues to work on a series of externally driven outages that have impacted these services.

Since the beginning of the semester, Blackboard and Degree Works have experienced intermittent service resulting in slow response times or outages, as a result of denial of service attacks against the hosting provider for these services. In these attacks, an inordinate amount of requests are sent to the servers ultimately resulting in slow or no response rates. SUNY Oswego is one of several SUNY campuses experiencing the resulting disruptions. 

The hosting provider continues to put countermeasures in place to thwart future attacks. Short-term solutions are being implemented and long-term solutions are being procured. The long-term solution will eventually position the hosted Blackboard and Degree Works services at a higher level of service than before.

A summary of when these outages have occurred and notice of future outages will be communicated via the CTS blog.