Professional conduct

When acting as a professional representative of the college and/or a department, office or organization via social media, uphold the same standards you would if interacting in person, on the phone or via email. Be courteous and try to understand their concerns or questions. Obviously, avoid things like obscenity, insults or hate speech. Realize that you may be their primary or only point of contact for the college on that issue, and you need to put the best face forward while providing accurate, helpful and timely information.

Content strategy

Once you've started working in social media, you often find yourself asking two key questions of content strategy: 1) What should I post? and 2) How often should I post? These are subjective questions, but consider the following points to answer.

Monitoring and responding

For the college's main official social media channels, the Office of Communications and Marketing — including members of our student social media team — regularly posts on, monitors and responds to any queries. If you have social media channels, you should check them at least once (if not multiple times) a day at minimum. Basic customer service rules apply, in that honest questions should be responded to promptly, courteously and sometimes with additional details such as links or contact information. Like anything on the web, not all comments may be friendly or on topic.

Social media communities

SUNY Oswego utilizes several social media communities to communicate and converse with its range of stakeholders. You can find a complete and updated online inventory of Communications and Marketing-related social media outlets, but what follows are basic information on popular options and how we use them — which we hope will help you ponder what to do.

New York Alert

SUNY Oswego is one of many State University campuses that have adopted New York Alert, an emergency messaging platform powered by Everbridge -- a global company that provides enterprise software applications that automate and accelerate an organization’s operational response to critical events in order to keep people safe and businesses running.