Annual assessment reporting process

The facilitation and ongoing improvement of student learning is a primary goal of SUNY Oswego. Various audiences are interested in the results of student learning assessment including academic departments, regional accrediting agencies, accrediting associations with disciplines, and state coordinating bodies. These audiences all have requirements for specific types of information at specific times. The SUNY Oswego annual assessment reporting process aids departments and academic programs in systematizing and documenting their assessment activities.

The annual assessment reporting process aids departments in five ways:

  1. Assessing student learning more effectively
  2. Keeping a record of their assessment efforts
  3. Recording changes made due to assessment results
  4. Better articulating and supporting arguments when requesting resources from administration
  5. Documenting changes made in light of assessment results, which can be used when writing self-studies

You can find a submission timeline and template for reporter on the Provost's Assessment and Academic Program Review webpage.