SUNY Oswego will hold a series of celebrations for its Class of 2021 graduates across eight Commencement ceremonies May 14, 15 and 16 in the Marano Campus arena and convocation hall.

“In what has been an unprecedented, challenging year, it is more important than ever to celebrate the perseverance, hard work and dedication our graduating Lakers have shown and the bright futures we know they will have,” President Deborah F. Stanley said in announcing the live in-person ceremonies.

The first of those ceremonies -- 7 p.m. on Friday, May 14 -- will accommodate master’s level graduates, the post master’s certificate of advanced study and graduate certificate recipients. The other ceremonies -- 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 15, and 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 16 -- will recognize all undergraduates eligible to receive a baccalaureate degree in May or August 2021.

Per New York state guidelines, SUNY Oswego has extended an invitation to two guests for each graduating student. Ceremonies are limited to 125 graduates and 250 guests to keep the overall numbers below health requirements for indoor gatherings in a facility the size of the Marano Campus arena and convocation hall.

Seating will accommodate appropriate distancing recommendations and facemasks are required. Graduates and guests must comply with all health-related (testing and vaccination) requirements. See Guest information website.

“Many students and employees worked tirelessly together the past several months to understand and navigate the many health and safety guidelines so that we could deliver an in-person ceremony for the graduating Class of 2021,” President Stanley said. “I look forward to conferring degrees and congratulating each and every graduate as they cross the stage in May.”

SUNY Oswego’s in-person Commencement plan was submitted to and approved by the Oswego County Health Department (OCHD) and is consistent with SUNY guidance and all CDC and New York State health and safety guidelines.

A Commencement livestream for each ceremony will connect those unable to attend. Visit or access the SUNY Oswego livestream via the Commencement website, The stream is available in partnership with the award-winning student TV station, WTOP-10.

For more information, visit