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Student life

Multicultural ALANA conference, 'a huge production,' set Sept. 21 to 29

September 7, 2018

SUNY Oswego alumnus and CNYCentral photojournalist Quindell Williams recently presided over the first ever ALANA press conference, crediting the multicultural series of events, his mentors and his work with student-run radio and TV stations with helping launch him on his life's path.

Student life

Video: Student Involvement Fair offers connections, opportunities

August 31, 2018

At SUNY Oswego's annul Student Involvement Fair -- this year on Wednesday, Aug. 29 -- students explored opportunities to join clubs and organizations, find their fit and make new friends.

Student life

Video: Move-in Day 2018

August 24, 2018

The Friday before classes, #ozmovein for new students welcomes the newest Lakers, family and friends to campus.

Student life

Wellness activities part of campus welcome

August 16, 2018

Physical and mental wellness opportunities will welcome new and returning students during 2018 Opening Week activities, also letting students know some of the many ongoing services the college offers.

Student life

Range of activities will welcome students to campus

August 10, 2018

SUNY Oswego’s Opening Week activities Friday, Aug. 24, to Saturday, Sept. 8, will welcome nearly 2,200 new undergraduate and 350 graduate students to campus while preparing them to make connections and find success.

Student life

Jerri Howland appointed interim VP of Student Affairs and Enrollment

June 14, 2018

SUNY Oswego President Deborah F. Stanley announced today the appointment of Dr. Jerri Howland as interim vice president of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

Student life

Video: Why live on campus? 'It feels like home'

June 13, 2018

Why live on campus at SUNY Oswego? From a sense of community to convenience to the opportunity to get involved, several students offer their reasons and impressions of the residence life experience.

Student life

May graduates ready for next steps

April 26, 2018

More than 1,600 students are eligible to take part in SUNY Oswego’s three Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 12, and many have already secured futures in their fields.

Student life

OzFest 2018 to feature daylong activities, evening concert

April 24, 2018

SUNY Oswego will wrap up its spring semester with 2018 OzFest on Friday, May 4, with daylong free activities for students and an evening concert featuring H.E.R. and A$AP Ferg.

Student life

Yards for Yeardley boosts awareness, prevention of relationship violence

April 12, 2018

During Yards for Yeardley, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, April 23, on the academic quad, SUNY Oswego students, faculty and staff and members of the community will walk to remember and to prevent domestic and dating violence on college campuses and communities.