"One City. One Campus. One Community." -- a now annual project supported by the President’s Office at SUNY Oswego, the City of Oswego Mayor's Office and the joint Campus-City Relations Committee (CCRC) -- unveiled student photojournalism promoting SUNY Oswego and community partnerships on May 1 in Oswego's City Hall.
SUNY Oswego accounting major Samisha Élysée will be among the first to graduate with the entrepreneurship minor launched in 2019, as she prepares for an ambitious future.
SUNY Oswego will host a keynote speaker talking about navigating political conflict as part of the Counseling Centers of New York Conference on campus May 29 to 31.
On Friday, April 19, the university mentoring program Focus Forward celebrated its annual recognition dinner. Families of mentees from local public schools, as well as college mentors, were invited to partake in the dinner.
In recognizing this year's 2024 Outstanding Senior Award recipient, Azizbek “Aziz” Sarimsakov, the Oswego Alumni Association noted that few students throughout the history of SUNY Oswego could say they took advantage of as many opportunities afforded them.
Before a standing-room-only crowd of 150-plus students, a panel of distinguished women kicked off the university's inaugural Women’s Empowerment Summit on March 26 and discussed their professional paths as well as how they overcame obstacles on their way to success.
Accomplished individuals from the fields of public service, education and entrepreneurship will present their words of wisdom at SUNY Oswego’s three May 2024 Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 11, in the Deborah F. Stanley Arena and Convocation Hall.
While SUNY Chancellor John B. King Jr. officially announced the phasing out of single-use plastics across the system on March 5, it’s a policy SUNY Oswego has been working toward for a while.
A class of student journalists and storytellers will receive a once-in-a-lifetime experience thanks to the total solar eclipse appearing over SUNY Oswego on Monday, April 8.