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"Energizing CNY," a one-hour special that explores how central New York is helping New York State achieve ambitious clean energy goals, will air on WRVO Public Media Nov. 16 at 3 p.m.

Four broadcasting and mass communication majors joined communication studies associate professor Michael Riecke to produce the program.

Riecke, along with seniors Clarissa Karki, Natalie Barden, Scott Brubaker and Samantha Keaney, introduce listeners to the people and organizations that are leading regional efforts to promote, adopt and expand sources of sustainable energy.

Production began in February and wrapped in September. The program received support from the Shineman Endowed Fund at SUNY Oswego.

One segment produced by Karki, "Nuclear Power: Is It Clean Energy?" received an Award of Excellence in Radio News from the Broadcast Education Association's On-Location Student Creative Competition in October.

Visit the WRVO website to learn more about tuning into this show and other programming.

-- Submitted by the Communication Studies Department