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Leadership Oswego County (LOC), a SUNY Oswego-administered, business-sponsored program that empowers area individuals to become community leaders, is recruiting for its hybrid Class of 2022.

The annual leadership development program prepares a select group of county residents to become the community stewards of the future. This group embarks on a nine-month course on Oswego County and its resources, vital issues of today and visioning for tomorrow.

LOC seeks individuals who:

  • represent a cross-section of the community including business, the professions, education, organized labor, government, arts, clergy, service and community organizations;
  • are of various ethnic, racial and age groups;
  • have the potential to contribute to the success of this class;
  • have leadership qualities and a sincere commitment, motivation and interest in serving the Oswego County community;
  • are willing and able to commit the time and energy to complete the program;
  • have a genuine concern for the future of Oswego County and a desire to be personally involved in shaping it;
  • have potential for advancement to leadership positions within their own organization or in the community; and,
  • have the intention, upon completion of the program, to seek roles on community boards, commissions, key volunteer positions or public office.

The hybrid class model will allow greater flexibility for busy professionals. It will begin with a virtual kickoff event scheduled on Sept. 8, 2021 and a full-day conference on Sept. 24.

Starting in October, this year’s hybrid style format will consist of one virtual meeting and one in person meeting each month -- except for virtual-only installments in December, January and February. The class will meet via an online platform on the second Wednesday of the month from 1 to 2:30 p.m. followed by an in-person meeting from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the fourth Friday of the month. For the virtual-only months, the class will meet online the second Wednesday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with a lunch break.

Classes will run through May 2022 and conclude with an end-of-year retreat and a graduation ceremony. Participants will be required to complete independent reading and self-paced work, as well as research and assist in the development of a class project outside of regularly scheduled classes. 

Tuition of $750 for a business rate, or $400 for non-profits or those paying for themselves independently, covers the September in-person conference, classes from October through May, lunch and snacks for all in-person classes, an end-of-year retreat and graduation dinner in June. Scholarships are available for self-pay students who demonstrate need.

In addition to the educational and networking opportunities, each participant will earn six continuing education units (CEUs) upon graduation.

To apply by Aug. 13, visit the Leadership Oswego County website, For more information, contact the Office of Business and Community Programs at or 315-312-3492.