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The Triandiflou Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Transformative Practice invites you to participate in SUNY Oswego’s third annual Oz Equity Challenge, a three-week asynchronous program running Monday, Feb. 19 through Friday, March 8, 2024.

The Oz Equity Challenge is designed to help the campus community dedicate time and space to building more effective social justice habits. Each day of the challenge features a module intended to raise awareness about a different social justice issue, deepen one's understanding and shift thinking and behavior. As a whole, the challenge will provide participants with tool kits and resources for building and elevating their social justice practices.

Challenge Structure
This year’s Oz Equity Challenge will provide short articles, videos and activities to inform and connect the community around topics such as justice, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.

The Institute has organized the content of this year’s challenge into three pillars:

  • Building a Foundation
  • Understanding Systems
  • Interrupting Injustice

Each week of this year’s challenge, Monday through Thursday, will consist of four days of topics related to the week’s overarching theme. Each day will offer a few resources to review and reflection questions to consider as you explore the day’s topic. Resources are selected with brevity in mind, so each day of the challenge should require less than 20 minutes of your time. You don’t have to study every resource; choose the format that works for you and the content that speaks to you. Some days there will be more resources to consider than others.

What are the key components of the challenge?
Registered participants will receive daily emails that include short readings and/or videos, and/or resources along with discussion questions that encourage you to process alone and with a pair/group of individuals. There will also be self-reflective questions provided for each module, which will allow participants to explore their interpretation of the knowledge they’ve obtained from the content.

How to participate
You can register to participate online, through the Spring 2024 Oz Equity Challenge webpage. Registration will be open throughout the course of the challenge.

Each daily module will be shared via email (for registered participants), in Oswego Today, and posted to the Oz Equity Challenge webpage. The daily modules will also be archived for future reference.

The challenge is inclusive of all knowledge levels, so organizers hope students, faculty, staff and administrators of all identities will engage through the entire three weeks. Whether you are new to thinking about social justice and equity, interested in further building your knowledge, or looking for videos, articles or activities to share with students or colleagues, this challenge is for everybody.

-- Submitted by the Triandiflou Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Transformative Practice