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Auditions for “Elsewhere” -- the first in-person full theatre production expected to take place in Waterman Theatre in nearly two years -- will run from 6 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 27, and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28. 

Online signups are available to schedule an audition slot. Callbacks will take place starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday.

After virtual productions during the 2020-21, director Steven Mazzoccone and the theatre department look forward to on-stage shows in front of audiences again, with COVID-19 protocols and precautions throughout rehearsals and the production schedule.

The “Elsewhere” audition website has a link to the script, which those auditioning should make themselves familiar with. Auditioners also should prepare a one-minute monologue from a play of their choice. Those auditioning for the role of Celia should prepare a similar one-minute monologue and a monologue from the “Elsewhere” script.

Written by Adam Szymkowicz, “Elsewhere” is a small production in terms of casting, with only three roles in its dark comic plot. Mazzoccone noted that he is casting understudies as well, as part of the COVID safety plan.

Logistics unfold with the help of a departmental United States Institute for Theatre Technology COVID safety officer, Judy Wyman-Collette. 

“Elsewhere” will run Oct. 20 to 24 in Tyler Hall’s Waterman Theatre. For more information, visit the audition site or email