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Scott R. Furlong named new provost and academic vice president

May 2, 2017

SUNY Oswego President Deborah F. Stanley has announced the appointment of Dr. Scott R. Furlong as provost and vice president for academic affairs, effective July 10.


3 faculty earn awards for scholarly, creative activity

May 1, 2017

Kestas Bendinskas of chemistry and Juan Perdiguero of art have earned the President's Award for Scholarly and Creative Activity at SUNY Oswego, while Christopher Chandler of biological sciences received the Provost's Award for Scholarly and Creative Activity.

Awards + honors

SUNY Chancellor's Award honors 2 for professional service

May 1, 2017

The statewide university system recently honored SUNY Oswego's Christy Huynh, associate director of career services, and Dr. Richard Kolenda, assistant vice president for residence life and housing, with the 2017 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service.


Campus grants support scholarly, creative activity

May 1, 2017

The Provost's Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee has awarded 31 grants for faculty-student collaborative research and for faculty research projects, while the Committee on Learning and Teaching approved Curriculum Innovation Grants for faculty developing four innovative courses.


Oswego goes miles for Yards for Yeardley

April 28, 2017

Led by SUNY Oswego's It's On Oz, more than 1,000 students, faculty and staff supported the One Love Foundation in April 2017 by walking, running and rolling more than 5 million Yards for Yeardley, a national initiative to publicize and prevent relationship violence, especially among college-age students.


May graduates set to chart new paths

April 28, 2017

Nearly 1,700 students were eligible to take part in SUNY Oswego's May 13 Commencement ceremonies, with many already successfully charting paths into the days beyond.

Awards + honors

U.S. News ranks Oswego top-5 nationally for MBA enrollment of women

April 26, 2017

In an era when many schools of business struggle to attract women students, SUNY Oswego's MBA program placed No. 5 nationally on a U.S. News Short List for enrolling the highest percentage of women -- nearly 53 percent during fall 2016.

Oswego welcomes appointment of SUNY's 13th chancellor

April 26, 2017

Dr. Johnson is a Former Johns Hopkins University Provost, Duke University Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering, & U.S. Under Secretary of Energy.

Student life

Community-minded student honored as Newman Civic Fellow

April 24, 2017

SUNY Oswego senior Sahar Rajput, long committed to community service, recently earned a Newman Civic Fellowship, one of only 273 such honors the Campus Compact awarded in 39 states and Washington, D.C.

Student life

OzFest to feature evening concert, daytime fun May 5

April 21, 2017

SUNY Oswego's third annual OzFest will feature an evening concert headlined by DNCE and a day full of games, food and fun on Friday, May 5.