Panopto Lecture Capture

Imagine having all of your video assets in one secure place — where students and faculty can easily find them, search inside them for specific content, and watch them on any device. Panopto’s industry-leading video management system makes it simple to store and manage all your new and existing videos, including lectures, flipped classroom recordings, campus events, guest presentations, alumni outreach, live webcasts, and more.

Setting up Panopto in Brightspace is necessary because it creates your Panopto account and folder on the server. After that step is complete, you can install the recorder on your Windows or Apple computer. There is also a mobile app for iOS and Android. You can upload any video or audio file to the online Panopto service to share them with your students or with anyone on or off-campus.

If you do not have a course in Brightspace, but would still like to use Panopto, contact the CTS Help Desk

Panopto can be used for recording lectures in the classroom but you can also use it from any platform to create supplemental content for your courses as well. Not all classrooms on campus are equipped with the audio and/or video equipment necessary to run the lecture capture software. If you go to our Advanced Technology Classroom page, under the Equipment list you can sort the rooms by "Lecture Capture" to obtain a full list of the rooms that have it available on campus. Even if a classroom is not currently set up with recording equipment, we can still make arrangements for you to use Panopto in any space on campus.