The Expressive Arts Therapy minor at Oswego provides students with the unique opportunity to combine their interests in the visual arts, movement, drama, music and writing in order to encourage creative expression and healing in others and in themselves. Unlike the traditional goal of achieving a completion point in art, theatre, dance and song, expressive therapy promotes the value of the journey and development occurring along the way. By engaging in the creative process and using the imagination, participants are opened up to an array of subconscious or suppressed thoughts, feelings and emotions which can lead to greater objectivity and self-awareness. They are then able to freely explore these thoughts and emotions in a supportive and open environment.

Oswego students minoring in Expressive Arts Therapy will take courses in a variety of topics ranging from Two-Dimensional Design Concept Analysis to Beginning Music Performance, Principles of Human Behavior and Fundamentals of Acting. A student who is multidisciplinary is going to be more prepared for the increasing demands of the work-force in that they have a broader skill range. 

Students with previous instrumental skills are encouraged to continue honing their talent and those who are interested in learning to play are welcomed to apply to to become a part of this culturally diverse field, which is consistently growing world wide. There is an assortment of activities for students to get involved in, applying their course knowledge in a real world setting. Ensembles like Concert Band, Jazz Orchestra, College Choir and even guitar are open to all, along with the art club, Arts Alive! and the Blackfriars Theatre Organization.