December 14, 2020 - 8:35am
Dear Employees, 

Given the uncertainty of the current New York State budget situation, and with the campus already operating at reduced on-campus staffing levels, the college is taking steps to maximize utility savings over the holiday period. This proactive measure will also provide an incidental benefit to the campus in reducing our carbon footprint. These actions will lower our fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions generated over this period.

To the extent possible, during the period of December 21, 2020 through January 11, 2021, the campus will generate utility savings by lowering building temperatures, and turning off lights, computers and other electrical components. During this period, physical attendance on campus should be restricted to the greatest extent possible, and all efforts to work remotely should be encouraged.

Please be aware that campus operations will not be closed and normal business is expected to continue. Essential employees are required to continue to report to their assigned duties on campus during this period. If it is necessary to be on campus during this time, we suggest that you dress accordingly, as building temperatures will be lowered to achieve the desired savings. If you anticipate not being available during this period, vacation leave must be approved and charged to leave accruals.

Mail services will continue to be delivered to buildings on a daily basis. Individual departments should develop a schedule with your local mail room for pick up and delivery of mail and packages to your buildings.

We are well aware that certain activities on campus must stay open and will require continuation of utility service over this period. Exceptions will be made to accommodate these situations. Please contact Mitch Fields via email at  if you have a situation that needs to be addressed.

Thank you for your cooperation in these efforts.

Nick Lyons
|Vice President for Administration and Finance