At Oswego, you can realize your artistic vision while learning filmmaking tactics, techniques and technology — as well as the strong organizational skills that drive any success in the field.
Cinema and screen studies focuses on the history, theory and criticism of cinema, as well as of new and pre-cinematic screen media, with a sequence in screenwriting and digital film production. The program incorporates interdisciplinary options that allow you to link studies of moving images to exciting developments in cognitive science, computer and information sciences, and the other humanities, fine arts and social sciences.
Use the course learning agreement to focus on your own interests — whether that means acting, design, computer animation, the psychological and social effects of moving images, media literacy and education — or the connections among information science, the natural sciences and visual technologies. Create a public exhibition of a film or video project — or a public reading and discussion of a research project or screenplay — to fulfill your capstone course requirement. Oswego's program regularly shows at, and sometimes hosts, the SUNY-wide Film Festival.
We offer top-notch editing facilities and a range of cameras available for use as you craft your films.
Bachelor of ArtsCollaborative Campus
Students from classes in SUNY Oswego's creative writing, chemistry and cinema and screen studies programs work on a recent weekend shoot in the Shineman Center, part of a collaborative effort to develop a series of short films on laboratory safety.
- Deploy a technical, conceptual vocabulary to describe, categorize, analyze and create films
- Recognize, apply and transform the historical frameworks through which images are received and created
- Use and deploy appropriate technologies to both analyze and create films
- Write for the screen in multiple ways and for multiple audiences
- Gain ability to work collaboratively in a variety of capacities and in the service of a shared vision
Career Opportunities
- Film or television producer
- Lighting or sound technician
- Writer
- Editor
- Crew member
- Media sales representative
Each course has taught me something different, both about the material and about myself as an artist. Each class is another added piece to the puzzle and the best part is that the improvement and self-actualization never has to end.
My favorite part of my major is how well everyone knows each other. Having worked in the cinema equipment checkout, I've gotten to know a lot of the people in my major. The department atmosphere is one of a tight-knit community where students help each other with film projects.
Program Resources
Oswego Film Club
This film community is a place to learn, develop ideas and collaborate. The club also hosts workshops, organizes film festivals, sponsors student screening and supports student productions.

Study Abroad
Take classes and participate in internships while immersing yourself in all that region has to offer.
Show your work
Each year, there are opportunities to show your films across the state, participate at the SUNY Film Festival and Sunset Film Festival.

The Oswego Guarantee
- Timely course offerings
- High touch connections to alumni
- Small student to faculty ratio
- Limited room & board increases each year