About Oswego, New York

Oswego, New York, with a population of approximately 18,000, is conveniently located 45 minutes northwest of Syracuse and 80 minutes east of Rochester. Frequent bus service between Oswego and Syracuse is available along with connecting service throughout the northeastern U.S. by bus, train, and plane. New York City and Boston are about a five- to six- hour drive from Oswego while Canadian cities such as Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto are about 3-5 hours from campus by road. All of these cities are within 60 minutes by plane.


Oswego's midwinter daytime temperatures average 0 degrees Celsius, with January being the coldest month. The midsummer daytime mean temperature is 26 degrees Celsius, with July being the warmest month. Oswego receives 93 cm of precipitation each year.
Check current weather conditions.

Clothing needs

Student dress is casual at SUNY Oswego. Men generally wear jeans with sweaters or sports shirts. They may wish to bring a suit or blazer jacket and dress slacks for formal occasions.

Women also wear jeans with sweaters or blouses. Skirts and dresses may be appropriate during warmer weather. Both genders tend to wear shorts or much lighter clothing in the summer. Colder temperatures from December to March make it advisable for students to purchase winter clothing after their arrival in Oswego. There are a number of inexpensive stores within easy reach of the campus by taxi or bus.

Travel links

Click for a list of maps and travel companies which will help you arrive to Oswego.

Useful links

Click on the links below for news in Oswego and surrounding areas: