CTAB Meeting Minutes, April 9, 2021

Campus Technology Advisory Board

April 9, 2021, via ZOOM

Present: Josh Adams, Mark Baker, Bill Bowers, Matt Brooks, Patricia Burnett, , Christine Clay, Nicole Decker, Kathi Dutton, Kristi Eck, Benjamin Entner, Sean Finnerty, Greg Fuller, Theresa Gillard-Cook, Jinyan Guo, Candis Haak, Kristen Haynes, Tyrone Johnson-Neuland, Dave Kahn, John Kane, Jamie Kapuscinski, Raihan Khan, Martin Koen, Julia Koeppe, Erin Kovalsky, Star Matteson, Sean Moriarty, Mary Ann Preston, Ritu Radhakrishnan, Michael Riecke, Dave Sargent, Laura Spenceley, Paul Tomascak, Joey Tse, Jenilee Ward, Jim Weinschreider, Leigh Wilson

Administrative Support: Kristine Smith


Approval of Agenda

  • Motion to approve, Theresa Gillard Cook; second the motion, Dave Sargent. All in favor. 

Approval of March meeting minutes

  • Motion to approve, Dave Sargent; second the motion Theresa Gillard Cook. All in favor.

Open Session - Q & A

Committee Reports

  • ITC Report (Theresa) - Met on Monday.  Laura came to our meeting and shared the presentation that she is doing today.
  • Educational Technologies Committee (John)  Met on Wednesday.  Talked about a number of things.  
    • More timely communication on outages would be helpful for faculty so they can support students 
    • Most of the time was spent discussing the direction of classroom technologies in Fall and beyond
    • The SUNY Oswego print initiative and issues surrounding it. 
      • Discussed student quota on printing - there will be a planned reduction and to encourage digital printing.  
      • Discussed scantrons, can we do away with them in the future?  Not yet - we need more reliable wifi in the classrooms. 
    • Also discussed a reduction ofcomputers in general access labs in the future.
  • IT Steering (Sean) - No report
  • CTS Report (Sean)

Priority projects

Our goal is to continue the momentum that we have coming from the year off campus. When I think back to our strategic plan of five years ago, what we wanted to do was create an environment where people could use technology seamlessly in their teaching, learning and scholastic pursuits. There have been tremendous strides on our move to be “The Digital Campus” and the good thing about the pandemic is that it has accelerated it.

I think of the coming year ahead as a year where we keep that momentum, and see what stays and what goes. I was reading a good article yesterday that stated there was no going back to the “old days” because everything has changed and moved. What we will settle into will become our new normal. But we want to open ourselves to what those possibilities will be. And we will need to remain focussed on flexibility and agility.

Based on the discussions that we had last month, here are a few of the prjects that we are thinking about:

  1. Classrooms, labs and meeting spaces

  • Prepare for the Fall return to class….. Whatever that looks like
  • Lanigan classrooms get a technology facelift
  • 4-6 spaces will become hybrid spaces - Laura and Tyrone will touch on that later this meeting
  • Reduce the number of public labs and continue our virtual labs
  • Print project - continue our move to digital and ave trees

    • We will be removing personal printers
    • Improving the security of network printers
    • Reducing the print quota for students from 400 to a much smaller number
    • Request all faculty to continue to only accept digital assignments instead of paper (except where paper is the medium)
    • Digital workflows will need to be expanded
  • Infrastructure upgrades

    • Network upgrades in areas where the technology is falling out of life. Both academic and residence
    • Upgrade our connection to NYSERNet
  • Prepare for the move to the new Digital Learning Environment - D2L. A lot of uncertainty when that is going to start, but we are very hopeful that it will be early in the summer for us.

  • Continue to improve our Security posture

    • We will need to implement MFA
    • Continue education on phishing, hacking and ransomware risks

    Thanks to everyone for their input at last month’s meeting. I just wish we had more time. Next month I will give an update with more information on the Summer projects.


    • AEFIS project update (Kristi Eck & Mary Ann Preston)

    AEFIS Solutions SUNY Oswego Presentation

    • Hyflex Teaching and Learning (Laura Spencely)

    HyFlex Work Group Report CTAB April 9, 2021 Presentation

    HyFlex Work Group Overview and Campus Recommendations
