Policy on academic room re-allocation

Any department requesting that an academic room be taken off-line (i.e., changed from general purpose, available to all faculty) for any reason, or requesting that a room currently off-line be changed to a different purpose, must formally submit that request to the Registrar. Prior to submitting the request to the Registrar it must have official approval of home department chair and divisional dean.

       Information contained in the request must include:
  • Name(s), address, and phone of requestor(s);
  • Room location;
  • Seating capacity;
  • Current use of room;
  • Intended use of room, to include security issues if necessary;
  • Time frame for new purpose implementation and end date/exit strategy for putting room back into general pool;
  • Required structural or infrastructure changes, if any, and whether they are temporary or permanent. Also, where funding for the changes will come from;
  • A plan for offsetting the loss of academic space due to this request;
  • Evidence that request has been reviewed with department chairs and faculty of those departments that have used the room for course delivery during the current and three prior semesters;

The Registrar will take the request and meet with the Provost and Vice President of Administration. They will review the request, discuss the implications, come to a consensus, (at their discretion take a brief period of time to consult with subordinates or anyone else appropriate) then announce a binding decision. This decision will be published and circulated to all department chairs, deans, program directors, VP's, etc. The communiqué will include all information contained on the request as well as the justification for the final determination.