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Graduate Studies Week 2021

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Graduate Studies Week - November 8-12, 2021 

Our graduate students and faculty have made SUNY Oswego a special place to learn and grow for over 70 years — Join us for a week long celebration of Graduate Studies at SUNY Oswego from November 8th to 12th.

Graduate Studies Week will have a mix of events scheduled on the main campus, Syracuse campus and virtually. Events throughout the week will include Alumni panels, Career Spotlights, Ice Cream Socials and the opportunity for everyone to give "Grad-itude" to those that inspired your academic journey.  The week will also include a graduate student reception ("happy hour") that will include recognizing outstand graduate students and mentors.

The Grad-itude Project

Did you know that individuals who express gratitude on a regular basis have higher levels of optimism, physical well-being, and determination? We recognize that these are essential qualities for graduate students.

In celebration of Graduate Studies Week 2021 join the Division of Graduate Studies in expressing gratitude to students, faculty, staff, family and friends. Stop by and see us in the Marano Campus Center from 12 to 2pm during Grad Studies week to pick up a postcard.  Drop a line to a person in your life who has made a difference and send a message of gratitude.  

Grad Studies Week Kudoboard and PRIZE DRAWING

A Kudoboard is an electronic bulletin board that allows you to share thoughts, support and congratulations.  The theme for the Kudoboard is "Grad Studies @ Oswego has given me the opportunity to . . ." posting a note, photos or brief video to our board sharing your experiences. The Graduate Studies team wants to learn more about your experience. Share with us what opportunities SUNY Oswego has provided you. Click on the + to Add to the board (it will ask for name, email, and password). It's super easy from your computer or phone.

Don't pass up on the PRIZE DRAWING  for the Kudoboard.  We will be giving away $250 in Amazon Gift Cards and Oswego swag during Graduate Studies week. Post your message today to qualify for prizes!

View the Schedule Below

Monday, November 8, 2021
I'm First Day, Marano Campus Center
11:00am - 2:00pm

Join other First Gen students, faculty and alumni for a hybrid panel discussion on challenges and opportunities for First Gen students, pick up your "I'm First" stickers and take your picture with our First Gen filter. 

Representatives from the Division of Graduate Studies will also be on hand to talk about graduate programs, streamlined admissions processes, ways to save money and funding opportunities for graduate education.

First Generation Hybrid Alumni Panel, 114 Marano Campus Center
1:45pm - 2:45pm

The First LEAP group in collaboration Graduate Students and Alumni Affairs hosts the First Generation Student Alumni Panel.  Co-moderators Dr. Tiphanie Gonzalez (Oswego Alum) and Oswego first generation student, Damien Nguyen will ask questions from the panelists pertaining to their first generation experience here at Oswego and its impact on their life after college. Panelists will attend virtually and the audience is welcome to attend in person or over Zoom.  Panelists will be able to answer questions from the audience as well.
Panelists: Saleem Cheeks (virtual), '01, Nikki G. Brown, M'20 (virtual), Jenn Lee, '11 (virtual)
Moderators:  Dr. Tiphanie Gonzelez, Counseling and Psychological Services; Damien Nguyen, Human Development/Criminal Justice
Zoom Link

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
“Coffee Talk with the Dean”--Free Coffee/Tea Vouchers, Penfield Library
9:00am - 10:00am

Join the Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Kristen Eichhorn for a cup of coffee or tea and share how your graduate experience is going. Ask for advice or give your feedback. Stop by and say hello to obtain your free coffee/tea voucher.

Plan Ahead! Marano Campus Center
11:00am - 1:00pm

Talk with staff from the Division of Graduate Studies about your future plans.  Maybe graduate school is in your future!  Current Oswego undergraduate students can save time and money with our 4+1 and 5 Year programs that allow you to earn a Master's degree in less time and at less cost. 

Not sure if graduate school is for you?  Most of our degrees are open to students from any undergraduate major.  Get guidance from our Admissions Counselor about possible steps for you based on your undergraduate plans, career fields that require a graduate degree, and the ones that have more opportunities available for Master's degree holders.

“Let’s Catch up” --Pizza with the Dean at the Syracuse Campus
5:30pm - 7:30pm

Join the Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Kristen Eichhorn, and other faculty and staff at our Syracuse Center for a quick slice and mingling. We look forward to celebrating the graduate student experience at the Syracuse Campus.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Graduate Student Ice Cream Social, Marano Campus Center
12:00pm - 2:00pm

Treat yourself!  Join other graduate students and Division of Graduate Studies Staff to enjoy some ice cream and a chance to catch up.  Sometimes you just need a sweet treat!

Graduate Student Ice Cream Social, Syracuse Campus!
5:30pm - 7:30pm

Let’s celebrate---the semester and the week are half over! Join members of Graduates Studies at the Syracuse Campus for Ice Cream to and a chance to recognize your success.

Research Party with FREE PIZZA, Penfield Library
6:00pm - 8:00pm

Penfield Library invites you to a Research Party on to get help with citations, scholarly sources, writing, conducting research, and more, in a social and collaborative setting. Penfield Librarians and Writing Center Tutors will be on hand to assist both undergraduate and graduate students. Free pizza and snacks provided!

Thursday, November 11, 2021
Lunch with the 2021-2022 Graduate Diversity Fellows
12:00pm - 2:00pm 

By invitation

Grad Studies Week Reception and Happy Hour, Sheldon Ballroom
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Join us for the ultimate Graduate Studies happy hour complete with wine, cheese and desserts. We are excited to celebrate with you and announce our Outstanding Mentor and Outstanding Student award winners with music from the Oswego Jazz Project.

Register for the Reception

Friday, November 12, 2021
Virtual Panel Discussion:  Mental Health Crisis:  The Pandemic, Burnout, Labor Shortages and Access to Care
11:00am - 12:00pm

While Mental Health had been a growing concern over the past decade, the COVID-19 pandemic has shed a new light on the needs of individuals, service providers, and access to care. After more than a year of social distancing, we continue to grapple with the strain on mental health in our communities, labor shortages, and the intensifying need for easier access to care. Panelists will explore these challenges, particularly as it relates to disadvantaged populations, including those from rural areas, veterans, first responders, and minorities. Staffing shortages, scope of practice and reimbursement issues in New York State will also be discussed. Future opportunities for telehealth/mobile e-health, and meeting the needs of our health professionals will be shared in what will prove to be a dynamic conversation to meet our newest crisis…. mental health!
Moderators: Dr. Michele Thornton, School of Business, MBA-HSA Faculty
Vivianna Hartley, Business Administration Graduate Student
Panelists:  Dr. Jason Duffy, Mental Health Counseling, Faculty and Graduate Coordinator
Rob Bloom '08, CFO, Carthage Area Hospital
Kristen Bloom '08, LMHC, Carthage Behavioral Health
Benjamin Calixte, Co-Founder,
Zoya McCants, EdD, LMHC, LPC, Founder, Right to Heal, LLC

Zoom link

Virtual Panel Discussion:  "Am I a Fraud?":  Managing Imposter Syndrome in Grad School and Beyond
1:00pm - 2:15pm

Have you ever had feelings of “not belonging” and “not being good enough”---despite plenty of evidence to the contrary?! You may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome. It is not unusual for graduate students and/or those early in their career to feel this way. These feelings are usually related to a fear that others will eventually unmask them as a fraud or that they will be exposed as an “imposter”. Imposter syndrome was first described by psychologists Suzanne Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in the 1970s as a phenomenon that occurs among high achievers who are unable to internalize and accept their success. They often attribute their accomplishments to luck rather than to their achievements. Additionally, it is prevalent for students of color, international students, first-generation students, students from low-income backgrounds, women in STEM and others who are traditionally underrepresented in academia. This panel will discuss real stories of imposter syndrome and what we can do to manage it ourselves and how we can support others.
Panelists: Kerisha Lewis '18, M'21, Assistant Director of Student-Alumni Engagement
Dr. Gilian Tenbergen, Assistant Professor, Psychology, SUNY Oswego
Amber Saint Joy, Strategic Communication Graduate Student
Mallory Bower, "The Imposters Podcast", EXCEL, SUNY Oswego
Juliana Wright, Strategic Communication Graduate Student
Nikki Brown, 'M20, AI Brand Technical Specialist, IBM Data & AI

Zoom link

Virtual Information Session:  Is Grad School for Me?
2:30pm - 3:30pm

Thinking about attending graduate school but not sure where to start or even if it is the right move? Join us as we tackle these questions and more including how to conduct a search, the application process, entrance exams, and funding opportunities.
Moderator: Sharon Griffin, Graduate Admissions Counselor, SUNY Oswego
Register here for the Zoom link. 

Launch It Finals

Either give your pitch or cheer on the other students competing to win Oswego's Launch It entrepreneur challenge.  $2500 is on the line for the best idea.  Join Oswego's Innovation Community here:

Faculty and students are encouraged to nominate our valuable campus community members for awards.

Deadline: November 1, 2021
The awards will be announced at the Graduate Studies Reception.

The Division of Graduate Studies is pleased to accept nominations from faculty and staff for Outstanding Graduate Student Award for 2021-2022. This award recognizes exceptional students for their significant contributions and accomplishments to their field, program, SUNY Oswego and/or to the community. Graduate nominees must be enrolled in a master’s program or graduate certificate at the time of nomination. The submission should address what distinguishes this graduate student from others.

Nominate your student for the Outstanding Student Award


The Division of Graduate Studies is pleased to accept nominations from graduate students for Outstanding Mentoring Award for 2021-2022. This award recognizes outstanding support of a graduate student by a faculty/staff member. Nominees should exemplify excellence in dedicated mentorship to our graduate students and may include: sound advice, encouraging the best performance, generosity of time and/or assisting students to completion. Graduate students are encouraged to nominate mentors that have made an extraordinary difference in their lives. From these nominations, a committee will select recipients for this calendar year. All nominees will be notified and the winners of the award will be announced during the Graduate Studies Reception during Graduate Week.

Nominate your Mentor for the Outstanding Mentor Award


Browse the history of Graduate Studies at Oswego by checking out the Graduate Studies Week archive.