Save The Trees

Throughout the weeks leading up to Earth Week, April 23 - April 27, The Sustainability Office will be working with students and faculty to help reduce our overall paper waste by highlighting eco-practices. Our Save The Trees program is geared to educate students through application. That is why we are excited to sign students up for a four week paper reduction study. During which we will be tracking how many pages our participants saved and present that number during Earth Week!

As Americans we waste enough paper to build a 12 foot high wall from New York to California every year. The average sized tree used to make the paper produces enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of four breathing and removes 1/3 of fossil fuel emissions every year.

On average, SUNY Oswego students print 350 pages per semester. However, there are simple practices you can do to reduce this number by 60%. 

Simple ways to save are to submit materials digitally rather than printing, make the most use of paper when you do print by using boths sides; Use cloth rather than paper napkins, buy and use e-books when possible; Take photos of class notes and always remember to recycle the paper you do use.

Join us in our campaign, find out more ways to reduce paper waste and remember that every week is Earth Week because we live here. Sign our pledge and as a thank you, you will be entered for a chance to win a reusable Rocketbook Wave Notebook which will be given out on April 27th during our Earth Week celebration.

 How To Save Trees: Digital Solutions: Go paperless, submit classwork digitally, take photos of notes. Think before you print. Use smaller margins, print double sided, recycle the paper. Why Do Trees Matter?: An average size tree produces enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of 4 breathing. Global forests remove 1/3 of fossil fuel emissions every year. How Much Paper Do We Waste: It takes an average of 5 liters of water to produce 1 piece of paper.We can build a 12 foot high wall of paper from NY to CA every year.