The Office of the President
April 20, 2021
Dear Members of the Oswego Campus Community,

Today we are extremely relieved to know that a verdict has been announced in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd last May. Our entire country has been focused on the presentations at trial and anxiously awaiting this news as we collect our voices and coordinate our actions in pursuit of justice for George Floyd and comprehensive change for a more just world for all. Yet, while our American justice system has operated to hold accountable the individual responsible for killing George Floyd, we also know it will not heal the pain and trauma that has for so long been the lived experience of members of Black communities here and across the country.

We must commit ourselves to the work ahead—work in every facet, structure and institution of our public, civic, professional and private lives. In doing so, we will do good work and work for good that will lift our spirits, restore our pride and help fulfill the destiny of equal justice and open opportunity throughout our strong democracy and prosperous nation.

Our upcoming Grand Challenge--Race, Racism and Social Justice--presents our community with the context to deepen our engagement in this important, vital work. In addition, at my request, Dr. Rodmon King and Dr. Mary Toale are creating an institutional resource that will move our community forward in our anti-oppression work and transformative practices. In the coming weeks, I will share more information with our community about their efforts

For those of you who need space to heal, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, in conjunction with the Counseling Center, will be hosting an initial set of healing and listening sessions for the campus community (via Zoom) tonight from 6 to 8 p.m., and Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m., in addition to extending our existing support and resources. I also encourage our students to reach out to faculty and staff. They care about you and they are here to support you.  

The depth of our grief for George Floyd and our sorrow for all the generations of individuals ravaged by racism and injustice will not be transformed today. Much work remains; we must be agents of a vastly better future. Let us continue to care for one another, stand together with renewed vigor, and sow the seeds of true peace in every interaction and venue.

Be well,

Deborah F. Stanley

Office of the President
706 Culkin Hall
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