Minutes of May 2, 2012

Present: Bozak, Garii, Morrison, Nichols

  • Handouts on our presence on the International Center for Academic Integrity's website, announcements of the 20th anniversary conference for ICAI, and two issues of "Ethos", the monthly newsletter of ICAI.
  • Oops...one of the Dean's Writing Award winner's paper turns out to be plagiarized...
  • The Provost's Office sent around a survey to committee/council chairs asking about how often the committee met, etc. Bozak will forward his response to CII.
  • We've learned that the School of Business has purchased Turnitin.com. Bozak will send a memo to Dr. Skolnik to clarify why they did that in light of the results of the pilot project. Since at least one Business faculty member has written to Bozak asking about what cutoff to use in determining plagiarism, it seems clear that there is not a good understanding of what the reports mean and how to properly use them. Per request, CII will be cc'd on the memo.
  • Pretzat and Garii report on a good NPR story they heard.  It was "Psychology of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things" by Chana Joffe-Walt and Alix Spiegel, May 1, 2012 and can be heard (and read) at http://www.npr.org/2012/05/01/151764534/psychology-of-fraud-why-good-people-do-bad-things A recent article in "Psychological Science" (seehttp://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/04/18/0956797611432178.full.pdf+htm) suggests that using your second language reduces decision-making biases as using your second language "distances" you from the decision.
  • One of Bozak's priorities will be to create the faculty website this summer. If you have any material to contribute, send it along!
  • Should we have a new faculty orientation presence? Morrison, who is on the faculty orientation committee, suggests there is no time available (they've reduced the length of the orientation) but suggests a packet of material with magnet for all new faculty can be provided. Does this include new adjuncts? Yes. Michelle Perry is the contact and we can find out how many packets of material to provide for the late August orientation.
  • For next year, a major project for us should be how to work with part-time faculty on these issues.  Knowing that evaluations play such a role in re-hiring, we need to ensure department support for adjuncts pursuing integrity issues. We should ask chairs to affirm this to their adjuncts, and deans to affirm all the usual stuff re: syllabi statements.
  • Bookmarks need to be made. We have the magnet image, so only need to contact Judy or Rose at publications to get it prepared and to determine costs. If we do it this summer, we can probably hit them up during a slow period.
  • Integrity course discussion ensued. This is, again, a major project for next year, with perhaps a pilot use of the integrity "checkpoint" with results to APC for institutionalizing the use of the course in our integrity policy.


Respectfully submitted,

-David Bozak