Minutes of April 6, 2011

Present: Bozak, Garii, Hemphill, Pretzat, Rao

  • Bozak presented a document for an advisor meeting with a student advisee found to have engaged in misconduct, based upon the discussions during the past few meetings. Discussion was supportive and Bozak will move the document to our website, update the boilerplate language that he sends to advisors to include a link to this webpage, and share it with the other associate/assistant deans.
    Doug asked if we track actual meetings? Or even invitations? Should the meeting be mandatory? If so, what penalty could would/could be used if a student fails to meet with their advisor. If meeting is mandatory we could put hold on registration till meeting takes place. Doug thinks we need to consider revising our policy to be more specific about what the incident was and what needs happen next. We'll put this on the agenda for a future meeting.
  • Quiz questions - send 'em on to Doug.
  • An integrity statement to be included in syllabi - Middle States requires a policy on syllabi and our policy seems to have dropped out of the Faculty/Staff Handbook. After an analysis of the syllabi used during the past two academic years, and looking at what our sister SUNYs require, a suggestion on the minimal contents of a syllabus is on its way to faculty governance. It includes a mandate for a statement on disability and for intellectual integrity. In the latter case, there is a pointer to the integrity website for suggested statements that faculty might include.
  • Bozak presented two statements - the first being what has traditionally been suggested to faculty and a second which refers to the use of the integrity quiz in Angel:
  1. Intellectual integrity on the part of all students is basic to individual growth and development through college course work. When acaemi dishonesty occurs, the teaching/learning climate is seriously undermined and student growth and development are impeded. For these reasons, any form of intellectual dishonest is a serious concern and is therefore prohibited [preamble, the full policy can be found at URL]
  2. SUNY Oswego is committed to Intellectual Integrity. In support of this goal, this course requires students to read the Integrity Primer and complete the Intellectual Integrity Quiz, in the Angel shell for this class. Students should email the certificate of completion that they earn after successfully completing the quiz to the instructor. [add URLs]
  • A third option (thanks, Barb!) is:
  • SUNY Oswego is committed to Intellectual Integrity. Any form of intellectual dishonesty is a serious concern and therefore prohibited. The full policy can be found at (insert URL here).
  • We like this version as short and sweet, with a good reference to more information. We'll put all three on our website, with this third option being the first listed, for faculty to use if they desire.
  • What about access to the integrity quiz for non-Angel users? Two choices - a quiz on a website outside of Angel,  but that lacks access to central learning repository, item analysis and long-term maintenance. Or, more simply, ensure the basic shell has a quiz module in an obvious place so that a student can login, take the quiz, and then logoff. Doug will investigate. He believes we are still on track for this to all be in place for summer.
  • Digital signage update - the images that Shannon Pritting created last year are now on digital signage, each up for about 2 weeks at a time.
  • The integrity website is now up to date, Bozak having mastered Ingeniux (for the time being).

Respectfully submitted,

-David Bozak