Professional readiness

Introduction: Although academic performance is a crucial factor in evaluating candidate performance, there are other interpersonal and professional skills that are equally important in determining the professional readiness of a particular candidate to enter their chosen field. Therefore, in addition to academic performance, students in the CPS Department will also be evaluated on the following professional readiness indicators.

Indicators of Professional Readiness: Essential characteristics expected of all candidates matriculated in a degree program in the CPS Department are as follows:

1. Willingness and ability to self-explore and reflect on experiences to grow as a professional;

2. Ability to demonstrate excellent listening skills;

3. Ability to effectively communicate with others;

4. Ability to work respectfully, appropriately, and effectively with authority figures including university professors and site supervisors;

5. Ability to hear and accept critical feedback; 

6. Ability to integrate and make changes based on communicated feedback;

7. Ability to act according to the professional expectations of the classroom and school/agency placement sites especially with regard to:

  • Appropriate dress
  • Promptness
  • Respectful attitude and behavior;

8. Ability to work effectively with administrators, staff, students/clients, and parents;

9. Ability to engage students/clients in a competent, ethical, and professional manner that respects and enhances their inherent dignity and worth;

10. Demonstrated adherence to the ethical guidelines related to Ability to recognize and value client diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, social class, etc.;

11. Demonstrated ability to practice in a manner consistent with the ACA/NASP ethical guidelines; especially those related to ensuring the welfare of all students/clients and doing no harm to students/clients.